
This is an app for an imaginary food truck. Built using a RailsAPI and a Vanilla JS frontend.

Primary LanguageRuby

Thank You For Tia

This is an app for an imaginary food truck I always wanted to start. You can see our menu and select items you want to purchase.

The Details:

This app is built using a RailsAPI and a Vanilla JS frontend. The Database used is PostgreSQL and in the seeds.rb file I created the menu items.

Backend: Rails

This back end API is built with Rails. My front end sends fetch requests to the Rails API. The Rails API has three Models: 1)MenuItem 2)MenuSelection 3)Order. The relatioinships are, MenuItem has_many menu_selections, MenuSelection belongs_to order and menu_item, Order has_many menu_selections and has_many menu_items through menu_selections.

Frontend: Vanilla JS

This front end is built with Vanilla JS. My front end makes fetch requests to my Rails API. For example, The Menu displayed on the DOM was fetched from my back end and turned into Javascript objects stored in a Javascript Menu class.

Getting Started:

  • Clone the repository

Set up the back end

  • cd into the backend folder
cd thankyoufortia-backend 
  • Bundle the gems
bundle install
  • create the db
rake db:create
  • Run migrations to build tables
rake db:migrate
  • Seed database
rake db:seed
  • Start up the Rails server
rails s

View the front end

  • Open index.html in your browser