
Generate Email Template

axuxfxa opened this issue · 2 comments


What is the Issue you are experiencing?
Issue running the "Generate email template based on analysis" feature. When I insert an outlook email file (in .msg format), it shows the following error:

Threshold reached for VirusTotal:
60 seconds remaining...
45 seconds remaining...
30 seconds remaining...
15 seconds remaining...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1076, in emailTemplateGen
virusTotalAnalyze(result, sanitizedLink)
File "", line 1015, in virusTotalAnalyze
linksDict['%s' % sanitizedLink] = str(result['positives'])
KeyError: 'positives'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1224, in
File "", line 181, in mainMenu
File "", line 62, in switchMenu
File "", line 718, in phishingMenu
File "", line 119, in phishingSwitch
File "", line 1088, in emailTemplateGen
virusTotalAnalyze(result, sanitizedLink)
File "", line 1015, in virusTotalAnalyze
linksDict['%s' % sanitizedLink] = str(result['positives'])
KeyError: 'positives'

What Operating System are you using?
Windows 10, Python 3.8

Additional Information
I've tried using multiple outlook emails on this feature but still receive this error. Is there something I'm not doing right? Is an API key required for this feature?

Hi @axuxfxa,

The error you are receiving is related to VirusTotal, and does require an API key in order to function correctly. API keys are free for VirusTotal and can be obtained by signing up here.

Ill mark this as a bug though as it shouldn't be throwing an exception and get that resolved. Thanks for raising it!

Ah, thank you! I have all the API keys except HIBP and PhishTank. The VirusTotal key seems to work fine for the Reputation Checker. Strange how it fails for this feature.