
This is a web application that will return a list of animes and some facts from a provided API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


"Anime-World" is a website show list of animes and show different facts about them.

Live Demo

Video Demo


Design From Behance

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS

Getting Started

Start by cloning the repository.

git clone https://github.com/thermiee/React-Capstone.git

Navigate to the created folder.

cd React-Capstone

Install all the dependencies.

npm install

Run the live server

npm run start

Go to Localhost

Run the Test

npm test

Build the distribution folder before hosting the app

npm run build

After the build you can host the build folder.


👤 Emmanuel Jolugbo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


Thank you Microverse for the opportunity!

Design From Nelson Sakwa

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is GNU licensed.