
Sample contract for Data Requestor to interact with Flux Oracle

Primary LanguageRust

Requester Sample Contract

Interested in integrating with the Flux Oracle? Requester Contracts can be used to create and submit data requests to the Flux Oracle -- here you will find a sample contract to get you started!

On the testnet deployment, anyone can test their own Request Contract with the testnet oracle. When the Oracle is deployed to mainnet, each Requester will require a successful proposal and execution by the Flux DAO. Any protocol or user-deployed smart contract can experiment directly with the Flux Oracle as a data requester and put any kind of data on-chain to be resolved by our pool of testnet validators.

Please visit the documentation for more information on getting set up as a data requester!



Requesters are encouraged to create mechanisms to ensure domain-specific and high-quality (with definite answers, not spammy, etc.) requests are sent to the Flux Oracle to encourage validators to participate in data resolution.

One option is to whitelist the account(s) allowed to call create_data_request() by deploying the contract with an array of account IDs for the whitelist parameter in the init() method. If left empty, any account will be able to call create_data_request(), so another mechanism to limit the number of requests sent to the oracle (e.g. time-based limits, governance controls) is encouraged.