
The repo for SOSP23 paper: FIFO queues are all you need for cache evictions

Primary LanguageC

FIFO queues are all you need for cache eviction

This repo contains code for SOSP'23 paper: FIFO queues are all you need for cache eviction



As a cache eviction algorithm, FIFO has a lot of attractive properties, such as simplicity, speed, scalability, and flash-friendliness. The most prominent criticism of FIFO is its low efficiency (high miss ratio).

In this work, we demonstrate a simple, scalable FIFO-based algorithm with three static queues (S3-FIFO). Evaluated on 6594 cache traces from 14 datasets, we show that S3-FIFO has lower miss ratios than state-of-the-art algorithms across traces. Moreover, S3-FIFO’s efficiency is robust — it has the lowest mean miss ratio on 10 of the 14 datasets and is among the top algorithms on the other datasets. The use of FIFO queues enables S3-FIFO to achieve good scalability with 6× higher throughput compared to optimized LRU at 16 threads.

Our insight is that most objects in Zipf workloads will only be accessed once in a short window, so it is critical to evict them early. And the key of S3-FIFO is a small FIFO queue that filters out most objects from entering the main cache. We show that filtering with a small static FIFO queue has a guaranteed eviction time and higher eviction precision compared to state-of-the-art adaptive algorithms.

Repo structure

The repo is a snapshot of libCacheSim, modified cachelib, and distComp.

How to use libCacheSim

You can compile libCacheSim, which will provide a cachesim binary, then you can run simulations with

# compile libcachesim
pushd libCacheSim/scripts && bash install_dependency.sh && bash install_libcachesim.sh && popd;

Use cacheSim to run cache simulations

./cachesim DATA oracleGeneral fifo,arc,lecar,s3fifo 0 --ignore-obj-size 1

Detailed instructions can be found at libCacheSim.

How to use cachelib

# generate data 
python3 libCacheSim/scripts/data_gen.py -m 1000000 -n 100000000 --alpha 1.0 --bin-output cachelib/mybench/zipf1.0_1_100.oracleGeneral.bin

git clone https://github.com/Thesys-lab/cachelib-sosp23
cd cachelib/mybench; 
# turnoff turobo boose and change to performance mode, this is very important for getting consistent results
bash turboboost.sh disable;
# build cachelib
bash build.sh; 
# usage: bash run.sh algo size
bash run.sh s3fifo 4000

This will generate binaries of different caches under _build/. You can then run

./_build/algo trace size_mb hashpower n_thread

How to use distComp

If you need to scale up the computation by using more nodes, you would need to use distComp. See here for more details.

Instructions for reproducing results (artifact evaluation)

Please see artifact evaluation for detailed instructions.


The traces we used can be downloaded here.

The binary traces are zstd compressed and have the following format:

struct {
    uint32_t timestamp;
    uint64_t obj_id;
    uint32_t obj_size;
    int64_t next_access_vtime;  // -1 if no next access

The compressed traces can be used with libCacheSim without decompression. And libCacheSim provides a tracePrint tool to print the trace in human-readable format.


We greatly thank the following people and organizations that made this work possible.


We greatly appreciate the resources and support provided by Cloudlab and PDL for performing large-scale evaluations.

Open source cache traces and the people behind them


This work was supported in part by Meta Fellowship, NSF grants CNS 1901410 and 1956271, and an AWS grant.


  title={FIFO queues are all you need for cache eviction},
  author={Yang, Juncheng and Zhang, Yazhuo and Qiu, Ziyue and Yue, Yao and Rashmi, K.V.},
  booktitle={Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23)},


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