
Vuetify data table that supports search, column filtering and merged rows.

Primary LanguageVue


Vuetify data table that supports search, column filtering and merged rows.

Example table

Name Task Priority Progress Status
ThetaDev Feature: User registration 🔸[mid] 65% Tests:❌ Pr:🔵
^^^^^^^^ Documentation 🔹[low] 15% ^^
Max Fix: API error 🔺[high] 100% Tests:✅ Pr:✅

Table structure

  • Column name => TableField component
const tableFields = {
    Name: TableFieldText,
    Task: TableFieldText,
    Priority: TableFieldIconPriority,
    Progress: TableFieldPercent,
    Status: TableFieldStatus,

Table data

  • Array of items
    • Array of colums
      • Array of data elements/objects
const tableData = [
        ['Feature: User registration', 'Documentation'],
        [2, 3],
        [65, 15],
        ['Fix: API error'],
        [2, 3],
        [65, 15],


TableFields define the structure of the table. Here are the required attributes:


  • rspan: Rowspan of the table cell
  • val: Value (from data object)


  • getSearchable(val): returns string to be searched for (default: null)
  • getFilterable(val): returns string to be filtered for (default: null)

Use in Vue template

<DataTable title="DataTable Demo" :fields="tableFields" :data="tableData"/>