
Import schematics, export schematics, build schematics. All inside Minecraft!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to Schematica!

This is my fork of Schematica, with the goal to make it usable on Anarchy servers, and to improve its overall quality. Eventually I'd like to update this for newer Minecraft versions, though at the moment I have no clue and no plans on how to do that- I'll save that for when I have most of my planned features implemented. If you have any bugs or suggestions, feel free to let me know!


New Features and QoL changes

  1. Stealth mode. This allows Schematica to work on 2b2t, using more strict placement requirements and rotation packets. (NOTE: STAIRS ARE BROKEN)
  2. Placement Priority. When filling blocks in, place layer-by-layer, or fill in as pillars.
  3. Directional Priority. Place blocks behind you as you walk, place the farthest blocks first, or just place along the X axis first.
  4. Disable while moving. Stops printing while you're moving.
  5. More flexible placement delay- includes decimals, and can place every client tick.
  6. Wallhack rendering. View missing and incorrect blocks by pressing the View Errors key (default LCONTROL)
  7. Snap to Map. Great for map art!
  8. Block supports. Things like sand, anvils and torches check to see if the supporting block exists before placing.
  9. Much more fluid UI, including merged Load and Manipulate Schematic keybinds and cleaner rotation buttons.


Setup Schematica

Compile Schematica

Updating Your Repository

Setup Schematica

This section assumes that you have Git and JDK installed, and you're using the command-line version of Git.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to a place where you want to download Schematica's source (eg C:\Development\Github\Minecraft\) by executing cd [folder location]. This location is known as mcdev from now on.
  3. Execute git clone https://github.com/Theyoungster/Schematica.git. This will download Schematica's source into mcdev.
  4. Right now, you should have a directory that looks something like:

    \-Schematica's files (should have build.gradle)

Compile Schematica

  1. Execute gradlew setupDevWorkspace. This sets up Forge and downloads the necessary libraries to build Schematica. This might take some time, be patient.
    • You will generally only have to do this once until the Forge version in gradle.properties changes.
  2. Execute gradlew build. If you did everything right, BUILD SUCCESSFUL will be displayed after it finishes. This should be relatively quick.
    • If you see BUILD FAILED, check the error output (it should be right around BUILD FAILED), fix everything (if possible), and try again.
  3. Go to mcdev\Schematica\build\libs.
    • You should see a .jar file named Schematica-#.#.#-#.#.#.#-universal.jar.
  4. Copy the jar into your Minecraft mods folder, and you are done!

Updating Your Repository

In order to get the most up-to-date builds, you'll have to periodically update your local repository.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to mcdev in the console.
  3. Make sure you have not made any changes to the local repository, or else there might be issues with Git.
    • If you have, try reverting them to the status that they were when you last updated your repository.
  4. Execute git pull master. This pulls all commits from the official repository that do not yet exist on your local repository and updates it.

Shamelessly based this README off pahimar's version.