React Capstone: Studio ghibli Library

This is a simple project made following instructions while a student in Microverse. It's a mobile app where you can search for Studio Ghibli movies and click on their cards for a more detailed movie description and information.


Here is a brief video presentation about the project.

Built With

  • React
  • Redux

Getting Started

  • Please clone this repository on your local pc as usual and run npm i to install all the necessary libraries;
  • Run npm start and feel free to code away.


👤 Thiago Allan Porro Ponce

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Show your support

If you like this project please let me know!


  • Thank you to all the friends that helped me along the way to create this.
  • Original design idea by Nelson Sakwa on Behance.

See live

Check a live version here

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.