
Components for payment gateway integration

Primary LanguageRuby


brEshop is a library set which can be used for e-commerce development.

Working on

We are in development process. You can contribute too!

Currently, we are developing a integration with the service PagSeguro, provided by UOL.


Execute rake test for check if everything is working fine.


Nothing prevent this libraries are used in commercial applications or by other aim that not e-commerce.


To use brEshop plugin you have to have HAML installed:

$ gem install --no-ri haml

And to install brEshop as plugin type:

ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/mangar/breshop.git


PagSeguro - Checkout

require 'breshop'
#define os itens do carrinho de compras
@item_1 = Item.new({:code=>"1",

@item_2 = Item.new({:code=>"2",

#cria o carrinho de compras e insere os itens..
sale = Sale.new
sale << @item_1
sale << @item_2

#registra os dados do comprador.... e as ultimas opos de entrega...
sale.buyer = Buyer.new
sale.buyer.name = request.parameters['name'] + " " + request.parameters['last_name']
sale.code = "TC01"
sale.buyer.zip = request.parameters['zip1']+request.parameters['zip2']
sale.buyer.address = request.parameters['address']
sale.buyer.number = request.parameters['address_number']
sale.buyer.complement = request.parameters['address_complement']
sale.buyer.district = request.parameters['district']
sale.buyer.city = request.parameters['city']
sale.buyer.state = request.parameters['federal_unit']
sale.buyer.email = request.parameters['email']
sale.buyer.ext = request.parameters['phone1'][1..2]
sale.buyer.phone = request.parameters['phone1'][4..12]
sale.buyer.phone =     sale.buyer.phone.gsub('-', '')
sale.shipment_type = sale.shipment_type

pagseguro = Integration.new
@content = pagseguro.checkout(sale)

Calculating Freight (based on Correios website - http://correios.com.br)

require 'breshop'
correios = Correios.new
preco = correios.freight sale.zip1+"-"+sale.zip2, sale.weight.to_s, sale.price.to_s

Automatic Return (PS Service)

If you want to use the PagSeguro function: "Automatic Return" follow these steps:

  1. Define a development and test database
  2. Run on command line: rake db:migrate

These tasks will create two tables responsible to store posts coming from PagSeguro: pstransactions and psproducts.

With your application running (./script/server), check the page: http://localhost:300/autoret/show it will shows you all records sent from PS. You can even simulate this communication pointing out your browser to:

http://localhost:3000/autoret?VendedorEmail=emaildovendedor&TransacaoID=123&Referencia=referencia&TipoFrete=FR&ValorFrete=10,00&Anotacao=anotacaooo&DataTransacao=dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss&TipoPagamento=Pagamento via cartão de crédito&StatusTransacao=Em Análise&CliNome=NomeDoCabra&CliEmail=email@uol.com.br&CliEndereco=Endereco do cliente&CliNumero=1741&CliComplemento=AP22&CliBairro=Moema&CliCidade=Sao Paulo&CliEstado=SP&CliCEP=14055490&CliTelefone=00 00000000&NumItens=1&ProdID_1=1&ProdDescricao_1=Nome do Produto 01&ProdValor_1=100,00&ProdQuantidade_1=2&ProdFrete_1=10&ProdExtras_1=0

More info about Automatic Return service can be found in PagSeguro website, in functional test suite, and even talking with brEshop developers.


Do you wanna to help? Do you have any new idea? Contact us! Make a fork!


