
ERROR: Cplexsolver not defined.

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Hi, I encountered some problems when I tried to run the following file in julia. In solve.jl, An error is reported as: "Cplexsolver not defined". I found that this function has been deprecated in CPLEX v0.7.3. But I used COBRA v0.4.0 and CPLEX v0.9.4. I don't know how to solve this problem. Which version did you use at that time?

As @mtefagh is actively developing COBRA.jl, perhaps he could comment on this.

Dear @jialin3299 and @rmtfleming,
One of my students @iManGHD who is actively developing COBRA.jl tried to fix this issue in opencobra/COBRA.jl#119, however, please let me know if the problem persists.
You just need to reinstall the package in any way you like to get the latest release:

Dear @jialin3299 and @rmtfleming, One of my students @iManGHD who is actively developing COBRA.jl tried to fix this issue in opencobra/COBRA.jl#119, however, please let me know if the problem persists. You just need to reinstall the package in any way you like to get the latest release:

I'm very sorry that I didn't see the news in time. At that time, I used Julia version 1.7.3 to reproduce the content of calculating metabolic flux in the article, and then found that this version was incompatible with some packages in the driver.jl script. I had no foundation in code, and I didn't know how to solve this problem at that time. Then I installed Julia version 0.6.4, which was consistent with the literature, and the code is still running until now. Flux calculation of metabolic model is really a time-consuming thing.
Thank you very much for helping me solve the problem enthusiastically. After that, I will try to calculate metabolic flux with the latest version of COBRA.jl Thanks again!