
Good structure express.js - nodejs. Service: Email, Cloudinanry, Telegram, Multer, Mongoose... contact me :">

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Team Technical

[N] Tran Duy Thien
[P] 0788 95 8486
[W] wwww.tranduythien.net
[E] duythientran1998@gmail.com dev


├── bin                      # Create server node
├── constants                # Consant of object programer
├── controllers              # Proccess data
├── helpers                  # Support function
├── jobs                     # Schedule todo
│   ├── run                  # Config time run schedule
│   └── todo                 # Job to run
├── middlewares              # Check anything
├── models                   # Config data, create schema
├── node_modules             # Library nodejs
├── public                   # Assets beauti
├── routes                   # Merge URL to do function in controller
├── utils                    # Snippets function to help
├── vendors                  # Library 3rd use in project
├── view                     # View html
├── .evn                     # Config variable eviroment (api, key, account)
├── .evn.example             # Example config variable eviroment (api, key, account)
├── .gitignore               # Prevent send file to git
├── app.js                   # Core of source
├── package-lock.json        # Logs of package
├── package.json             # Pack node manager in json
├── README.md                # Guide code
└── robots.txt               # Prevent bot google search


Require & Setup

npm i
npm run start
DEBUG=myapp:* npm start