
The official repo for the Talk2Car-Destination expansion to Talk2Car

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is the dataset that accompanies the paper Predicting Physical World Destinations for Commands Given to Self-Driving Cars accepted at AAAI 2022.

Talk2Car-Destination is an extension to Talk2Car which is built on nuScenes.

Note: The Talk2Car-Trajectory dataset has also been released here. This dataset also contains the Talk2Car-Destination dataset.

Annotation format

Each json from the dataset is a dictionary where the key is the command token and the value is a dictionary of the following format.

 "image": "img name",
 "top-down": "top down image name"
 "command": "given command"
 "destinations": [[x,y]], #is a list of (x, y) pairs where each pair is a destination in the top-down image
 "egobbox_top": [ 4 x 2 list], # contains the corners of the ego vehicle bounding box in the top-down image.
 "all_detections_top": [64 x 4 x 2 list], # contains the corners of all detected objects in the top-down image.
 "detected_object_classes": [64 list], # contains the class of each detected object.
 "all_detections_front": [64 x 4 x 2 list], # contains the corners of all detected objects in the frontal image.
 "predicted_referred_obj_index":  [64 list], # contains the index of the predicted referred object.
 "detection_scores":  [64 list], # contains the confidence score of each detected object.
 "gt_referred_obj_top": [4 x 2 list], # contains the corners of the ground truth referred object in the top-down image.

How to use

  1. Download top-down images here and put the images in the data folder.
  2. Download the frontal images here and put the images in the data folder.
  3. Download the frame data here and put the frame_data folder in the data folder.
  4. Download the Talk2Car-Destination dataset here and put all files in the data folder. We also include pre-extracted commmand embeddings with a Sentence-BERT model in the .h5 files in this zip.
  5. Run visualize.py to visualize a sample of the dataset

Integration with Talk2Car

Drag the Talk2Car-Destination dataset into the data/commands folder of Talk2Car. Next, when calling the get_talk2car_class, set load_talk2car_destination to True. Talk2Car-Destination will now be loaded.


You can find the baselines in the baselines folder.

Object Detectors

The used object detectors and their weights you can find in the object_detectors folder.


If you use this dataset, please consider using the following citation:

  title={Predicting Physical World Destinations for Commands Given to Self-Driving Cars},
  author={Grujicic, Dusan and Deruyttere, Thierry and Moens, Marie-Francine and Blaschko, Matthew},
  booktitle={Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  organization={AAAI Press}