
:bookmark_tabs: Performing basic NLP tasks on Stack Overflow posts.

Primary LanguagePython

NLP for Stack Overflow Posts

This repository contains the source code used to perform basic NLP tasks on posts extracted from Stack Overflow.


  1. Suyash Lakhotia (SuyashLakhotia)
  2. Nikhil Venkatesh (nikv96)
  3. Shantanu Jaiswal (shantanuj)
  4. Jacob Sunny (jacobsunny1995)
  5. Shantanu Kamath (ShantanuKamath)


This project is entirely written in Python 3 and depends on the packages listed in requirements.txt. In order to setup your development environment, run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You can also find a complete list of dependencies at the end of this document.

You will also need to download a few NLTK pickled models and corpora (punkt, averaged_perceptron_tagger, wordnet) that our project depends on. On a Python interpreter, run the following:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('punkt')
>>> nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger')
>>> nltk.download('wordnet')

Running StackOverflowNLP

All codes in this project must be run from the root of this repository.

Dataset Collection

The first step is to download the Stack Overflow data dump (i.e. stackoverflow.com-Posts.7z) from Internet Archive and uncompress the file. Set the filepath variable in dataset_collection/retrieve_threads.py to point to the uncompressed Posts.xml and run the following:

$ python dataset_collection/retrieve_threads.py
$ python dataset_collection/thread_stats.py
$ python dataset_collection/extract_clean_posts.py
$ python dataset_collection/post_stats.py

Alternatively, you can use the 500 extracted threads available in pickles/threads.pkl and sanitized posts in pickles/posts.pkl. These files are what the rest of the project uses and will be created if you run the above scripts.

Dataset Analysis

To find the most frequent words & stems in the dataset, run:

$ python data_analysis/stemming.py

This will store the most frequent words and the most frequent stems in the files data_analysis/frequent_words.txt and data_analysis/frequent_stems.txt respectively.

To run POS tagging on the first 10 sentences of the dataset, run:

$ python data_analysis/pos_tagging.py

This will store the original sentences and corresponding POS tags in the file data_analysis/sentences_pos_tags.txt.


Since off-the-shelf tokenizers are not robust enough to handle tokens that are specific to a particular subject (in this case, computer programming), we built our own custom tokenizer.

The token definition can be found in tokenization/annotation/token_definition.txt. Based on this token definition, a ground truth is established for the first 100 posts in tokenization/annotation/ground_truth.txt, which will be used to benchmark the performance of our custom tokenizer. This ground truth is created by running a preliminary tokenizer (tokenization/annotation/preliminary_tokenizer.py) and manually correcting the tokenization.

The actual custom tokenizer built based on regular expression rules, is implemented in tokenization/custom_tokenizer/tokenizer.py. A sample tokenized sentence is shown below:

Original Sentence:

Maybe this might help: JSefa

You can read CSV file with this tool and serialize it to XML.

Tokens Extracted:

["Maybe", "this", "might", "help", ":", "JSefa", "You", "can", "read", "CSV", "file", "with", "this", "tool", "and", "serialize", "it", "to", "XML", "."]

Further Analysis

Further analysis is performed by investigating irregular tokens (i.e. non-English words) using the custom tokenizer in tokenization/custom_tokenizer/further_analysis.py.

Application: Detecting Question Similarity

Given a question, our application outputs similar questions (and possible duplicates) by using a weighted ensemble of WordNet synonym distance, word vector distance and word mover's distance.

We obtain Stack Exchange specific word vectors from AskUbuntu, and further prune it (to save memory) by only including word vectors for words in our corpus' vocabulary.

Our application's source code is located in application/application.py.

To use the application, run:

$ python application/application.py

Upon running, either enter 1 to enter a question or -1 to exit the program when the application prompts for an instruction.

Depending on the underlying processor, finding duplicate questions may take anywhere between 10 seconds and 1 minute.


Please note that these Python packages may depend on other Python packages, so it is advised to simply use the pip command described in Setup above.

Disclaimer: This repo is no longer maintained and was submitted as part of the course project for CZ 4045 Natural Language Processing at NTU in AY 17/18 Semester 1.