
IoT-Flock is an open-source tool for IoT Traffic Generation which supports the two widely used IoT Application Layer Protocols, i.e., MQTT and CoAP.

Primary LanguageMakefile


IoT-Flock is an open-source tool for IoT traffic generation which supports the two widely used IoT application layer protocols, i.e., MQTT and CoAP. IoT-Flock allows a user to create an IoT use case, add customized IoT devices into it and generate normal and malicious IoT traffic over a real-time network.



  • IoT-Flock allows a user to generate the detailed custom packets.
  • IoT-Flock can also be used in stress testing of different IoT-based network utilities like switches, routers, etc., by generating a large amount of IoT device traffic.
  • It can be used for the designing and testing of IoT security providing entities like IDS, IPS, etc.
  • IoT-Flock can help the researchers in IoT Security Research. The researchers can easily build their own use case, model IoT devices into it and then generate & analyse the traffic of the use case in order to develop better security solutions for IoT.
  • The Network Engineers can use IoT-Flock for benchmarking the network features and to troubleshoot the network problems.

IoT Attacks included in IoT-Flock

Currently, we included four recent IoT application layer vulnerability attacks in the IoT-Flock:

  • MQTT Packet Crafting Attack (CVE-2016-10523)
  • MQTT Publish Flood (CVE-2018-1684)
  • CoAP Segmentation Fault Attack (CVE-2019-12101)
  • CoAP Memory Leak Attack (CVE-2019-9004)

How to Install & Use

1) Install Dependencies

Install the following dependies in order to run IoT-Flock:

QT Creater

Link: https://www.qt.io/download
File Name used in project is: qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.12.3_2.run


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libtins-dev


sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libssl-dev cmake


sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev


sudo apt-get install mesa-utils


sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev


sudo apt-get install qt5-default

SQL Lite

sudo apt install sqlite


sudo apt-get install wireshark
sudo wireshark

MQTT - Protocol

Mosquitto Broker

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mosquitto

Mosquitto Client

sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

CoAP - Protocol

CoAPthon (implementation of CoAP Protocol in Python)

First install the Python
sudo apt install python
sudo apt install python-pip
pip install CoAPthon

Link for Code: https://github.com/Tanganelli/CoAPthon

2) Download the Source Code

Source Code is download from : https://github.com/ThingzDefense/IoT-Flock

3) Build the Source Code

import the 'IoTFlock' Project file into the QTCreator 5 as
after successfully import the project file as below
click on the build-all from the build tab to successfuly build the code to the target system as

after that click on Run Button to run the program as

4) Add the Use Case

after add new use case click on edit to add devices as

5) Add IoT Devices

then fill the fields of device attributes as

then device successfully added

then save the device cong as XML as

5) Run the Use Case and Generate Use Case Traffic

Command to Run the xml File and gernerate the Traffic

From Source builds

Note:in case of build from source code the directory "build-IoTFlock1-Desktop_Qt_5_12_3_GCC_64bit-Debug"
contains the binaries of the code so you have to open the directory and copy the
file 'db2.sql' into folder "build-IoTFlock1-Desktop_Qt_5_12_3_GCC_64bit-Debug"
and open in terminal write the below command to run the project.

From already builded bineries

open the directory named "IoT-Flock-Binaries" in the terminal and write the command to run the xml file

sudo ./IoTFlock-Console ./path of xml file/kitchencare.xml

Note: if file "./IoTFlock-Console" does not run then give the permission first as
sudo chmod +x IoTFlock-Console

Then the results is




GNU General Public License. Contact us IRIL Team if you require a different license.

Copyright (c) 2019

IoT-Flock is developed by IoT Research and Inovation Lab,
Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS), UET, Lahore, Pakistan.