
Mevn stack with a lot of built-in tools

Primary LanguageTypeScript


MEVN stand for MongoDB, Express, Vue, Nodejs. It's an all-in-one solution for building monolith web app with Vue3, Express, MongoDB, Nodejs.

Backend (be)

  • Automatically generate API documents (as images below), you don't need to create/maintain it manually
  • db mongoose with predefined collections (User, DAU, DbMigration, HealthCheck, API Metric, FileStorage, SystemConfig, Tasks, Notification, Announcement).
  • mongoose replication configuration (coming soon).
  • Built-in database migration workflow.
  • Built-in authentication using json web token.
  • User API: predefined api to create user, modifier user profile, forgot password, recover password via email, delete account request & cancel.
  • Hmm API: query mongoose directly from frontend side.
  • System config API: shared storage for both fe + be.
  • Notification api
  • Built-in API metric: meter api call, average ms spent on each API call.
  • Built-in cronjob workflow.
  • Built-in long task workflow.
  • App hooks.
  • Realtime: SocketIO + Redis
  • Tracing: jaeger (coming soon).
  • Email sender
  • Docker script to built & publish container.
  • GitHub action auto build on release
  • mongodb gridfs, s3
  • detect media file
  • generate image thumbnail

Frontend (fe)

  • vue3 + vite + UnoCSS
  • vitest (coming soon)
  • predefined CSS rules (of course you can use another plugins)
  • predefined Vue components: input, load data, data table, dialog service, message box, notification, image slide, image viewer, pulse block, tooltip, progress bar, spacer, icon, date time format, imgx, paging,...
  • predefined template: admin dashboard
  • built-in utility class to work with provided backend API.
  • Hmm client: query mongoose directly from frontend sidee.
  • hook
  • caching
  • file uploader
  • tracing: jeager (coming soon)
  • log pipe: reading backend log directly from frontend in realtime.
  • view logger
  • dashboard with API metric in chart or table.
  • built-in authentication (jsonwebtoken).
  • and a lot more...

Example images

API document generated automatically api-doc.png

Postman file generated automatically postman.png

Dashboard with API metric in chart & health check admin-dashboard.png

System config system-config.png

File System file-system.png



  • API input validation (like zod)
  • domain driven design (considering)
  • i18n
  • unit test
  • e2e test
  • Auth0, Clerk integration
  • more UI components
  • improve Dockerfile build