2022 Eth-Latam-workshop-solidity

  • Solidity workshop repository for Buenos Aires ETH-Latam


  • Compile:
yarn compile
  • Test:
yarn test
  • The gas reporter plugin will be executed at the end of the tests. The file where the coverage info will be located is at ./coverage/index.html
  • Deploy:

    • Using the hardhat-deploy plugin:
      yarn deploy
    • Example flat hardhat
      yarn deploy:evolution
  • Run contract-sizer:

    yarn size-contracts


Solidity evolution

  • Usage of a simple lock contract through solidity versions starting from version 0.4.x


  • Series of contracts to perform a reentrancy attack

    • ReentrancyVictim: contract who will suffer the reentrancy attack.
    • ReentrancyProtected: contract protected from the attack using a custom solution
    • ReentrancyWithOZ: contract protected from reentrancy using the ReentrancyGuard contract from Open Zeppelin.
    • ReentrancyAttacker: contract who will hack and drain funds from ReentrancyVictim
  • Examples:

    yarn reentrancy-example-1
    yarn reentrancy-example-2
    yarn reentrancy-example-3

Emergency stop pattern

  • StoppablePattern: Contract which implements the pattern using a custom solution
  • OzStoppablePattern: Contract that inherits a contract with the pattern made by Open Zeppelin

Gas and space saving tips

  • Series of contracts/snippets for gas optimizations and space savings:

    • constants contracts: Series of contracts to show usage of constant and immutable keywords

      • NoConstants
      • Immutable
      • Constant
    • Snippets folder:

      • Reason strings: use short require strings to save space.
      • Storage: contracts to show usage and importance of Events to save data in the Blockchain.
      • Packing: Example of packing and non-packing structs.
