🎅 Advent of Code 2023 🎄

This repository contains solutions to advent of code 2023

Created using advent-of-code-runner


See advent-of-code-runner for more information.

npm run solve [day] [level]

Solve the specified puzzle and output the answer.

npm run submit [day] [level]

Submit the answer for the specified puzzle to advent of code.

npm run stats

Output a table to the terminal showing the current completion progress.

Completion Progress - 21/49 (43%)

Puzzle Solved Attempts Runtime
1.1 ✓ 1 634.500μs
1.2 ✓ 1 2.452ms
2.1 ✓ 1 715.400μs
2.2 ✓ 1 716.900μs
3.1 ✓ 1 1.196ms
3.2 ✓ 1 4.466ms
4.1 ✓ 1 1.156ms
4.2 ✓ 1 1.205ms
5.1 ✓ 1 358.900μs
5.2 4 (worst)
6.1 ✓ 2 102.300μs
6.2 ✓ 2 35.200μs
7.1 ✓ 2 1.903ms
7.2 ✓ 3 4.483ms
8.1 ✓ 1 1.433ms
8.2 ✓ 2 3.821ms
9.1 ✓ 3 2.150ms
9.2 ✓ 2 2.439ms
10.1 ✓ 1 8.460ms
10.2 ✓ 4 10.838ms (worst)
11.1 ✓ 4 9.452ms
11.2 ✓ 2 9.818ms
Average 1.86 3.083ms