
MoSingAr is a tool to connect two or more Linux machines as one machine, so that you can run programs at remote like at the local machine. All files; binaries, libraries, and data files, will read from the local, but the processes are created at remote machines.


The basic idea is to use seccomp to create a sandbox at remote, and translate IO to requsts over network. The files are cached at remote machines for efficiency.


  • tryseccomp.c is an example of interception of syscalls with seccomp.


Running make test at the root of the repository will run the existing test cases. loader/carrier is the main program to bring up an environment to run programs. For example,

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../sandbox ./carrier gcc -c tests/hello.cpp

is the command to compile hello.cpp with GCC.

This tools is still incomplete, only works with a sandbox to intercept some syscalls. It is still needed to work on to implement network features.


The directory loader/ implements the feature to load and run a program in a sandbox. It comprises

  • Carrier,
  • Command Center,
  • Flight Deck, and
  • Scout (in sandbox/).

Carrier creates an evenironment to run applications. It is the main process to serve child processes running applications in sandboxes.

Scouts are running in the child processes to coordinate the sandbox in their processes. Each of them establish a communication channel to the Command Center. The Scout of a process intercepts syscalls and redirect I/O to the Command Center along with the messages going through the communication channel to the Command Center. Scout is implemented in the sandbox/ directory.

Command Center is in the Carrier, aka the main process. It handles messages from Scouts and serves their requests.

The Flight Deck, which is in the Carrier too, takes off Scouts for processes. Taking off a Scout means to start a process, if necessary, and initialize the process to deploy a Scout.


oglfs implements a mechanism to synchronize and distribute files among devices.