Automatically translates the text of a video based on a subtitle file, and then uses AI voice services to create a new dubbed & translated audio track where the speech is synced using the subtitle's timings.
- 7JEOSan Diego
- aviparsAmCan Tech
- bennihtm@awesomebible
- catdogmat
- darshan-joganiOtto-von-Guericke Universität
- ehsan18tBangladesh
- ExperiencersInternational@Rii-built-Studios
- fcrespo82
- FinnPLGermany
- HeyMika
- infinitepower18United Kingdom
- Infisrael@AmbientLTD
- jjamesbond
- josejeffersonPicuí, Paraíba, Brasil
- KendallDoesCodingKendall Does Coding
- kimjammerIndiana, USA
- Kuchiriel@micro-technologies
- LBlend@unioslo
- Mhdtarekhouse
- Mohamed-Noah
- Moneymoney122Lincoln, England
- mrwhoseit
- omeysalvi
- Oppa-YA
- pcislockedIstanbul
- ShanArosh
- TacVeg
- tajo48Poland
- TechStudent10@ProtonDesigner
- TIPD-devGreece
- torunoya
- ValiantWindStrategic Development
- Wava123
- YacineBoussoufaIT Student - UNICAM
- youngchief-btwYoungChief