Foodie'sFantasy - Online Food Delivery App 🍔🍕

Project Overview 📜

Foodie'sFantasy is an online food delivery app that offers a seamless food ordering experience for users. The platform allows customers to explore restaurants, view their menus, place orders, and enjoy food delivered straight to their doorstep. The app is designed to be user-friendly and responsive, supporting users on both desktop and mobile devices. The technologies used for this project include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, and MySQL.

Features ✨

  • User Registration & Login 🔑: Secure user authentication for account creation and login.
  • Restaurant Listings 🍽: Browse restaurants based on cuisine type, delivery time, and ratings.
  • Menu Display 🍕: View menu items with detailed descriptions and prices. Users can add items to their cart.
  • Order Placement 🛒: Place orders from selected restaurant menus and proceed to checkout.
  • Admin Panel 🖥: Admins can manage restaurant and menu details, user accounts, and orders.
  • Cart Management 🛍: Users can modify their cart by adding or removing items before checking out.
  • Responsive UI 📱: A mobile-friendly design ensures a great user experience on all devices.
  • Formatted Prices 💰: Prices are displayed in Indian Rupees (INR) for easy reference.
  • JavaScript Enhancements ⚙: JavaScript is used to handle interactive features such as cart updates, order validation, and dynamic price calculations.

Technologies Used 🛠

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP
  • Backend: Java (Servlets, JDBC)
  • Database: MySQL
  • Server: Apache Tomcat

Installation 🚀

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone

2.** Setup MySQL Database 🗄:**

  • Create a MySQL database named tapfoods.
  • Import the provided SQL schema file to create the required tables: user, restaurant, menu, order, etc.

3.** Configure Database Connection 🔌:**

  • In the project folder, locate the database connection configuration file and provide your MySQL credentials.
  • Ensure that MySQL is running before starting the application.
  1. Deploy the project 🚀:

Usage 🍴

  1. User Registration and Login 🔑: -Create a new user account or log in using your credentials.

  2. Browse Restaurants 🍽:

    -Explore a variety of restaurants and their menus. -Add items to your cart based on your preferences.

  3. Place Orders 🛒:

-Review the selected items in your cart and proceed to checkout. -Confirm and finalize your order for delivery.

  1. JavaScript Functionality ⚙:
  • Cart Management 🛍: Users can dynamically add or remove items from their cart without page reloads.
  • Price Calculations 💸: Prices are dynamically updated as users add items to their cart, ensuring accurate order summaries.
  • Form Validation ✅: JavaScript ensures that user inputs are validated during registration and checkout processes.
  • Admin Features 🖥: -Admin users can manage restaurant details, menu items, and user accounts.
  1. Future Enhancements 🔮
    • Search functionality 🔍 for quick access to restaurants and dishes.
    • User-generated reviews and ratings 🌟 for better customer feedback.
    • Integration of a payment gateway 💳 for secure transactions.
    • Real-time order tracking 📍 to enhance user engagement.

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.