
Description: We want to create a deep Neural Network that can automatically generate comments for code snippets passed to it. The motivation behind this is that in software development and maintenance, developers spend around 59% of their time on program comprehension activities. Having comments that are generated automatically will hopefully cut this time down. In order to do this we will combine the recent paper Code2Vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code by Alon et al. with the paper Deep Code Comment Generation in order to make a better performing model using the newer Code2Vec encoding that was not used in the Deep Code Comment Generation paper. Dataset: The dataset that we will use is the same dataset used by the Deep Code Comment Generation paper, this is a dataset of more than 500,000 code snippets including comments. This also gives us a baseline against which to compare. Papers: Deep Code: https://xin-xia.github.io/publication/icpc182.pdf Code2Vec: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09473

Primary LanguagePython

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