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This project creates a dynamic hoverboard effect using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When the user hovers over squares in the grid, the squares change color and produce a glowing effect.
This is a sleek and modern login page designed and developed by AR7. It includes fields for username and password, a "Remember me" checkbox, and links for forgot password and registration.
This project is a simple To-Do List application by AR7. It allows users to add, mark, and delete tasks. The application is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This Weather App allows users to get current weather information for any city. It fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and appropriate weather icons based on the weather conditions. The app also handles invalid city names by showing an error message.
This is a simple calculator web application designed and developed by AR7. It includes basic arithmetic operations and a user-friendly interface.
This is a stylish and interactive world clock web application designed and developed by AR7. It displays the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds with an elegant circular graphical interface.
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