
Just some random polar nodes dev stuff

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Polar Random


  1. yarn install
  2. yarn start SCRIPT_NAME PARAM_1 PARAM_2 PARAM_3
  3. yarn start cache





nodes {WALLET_ADR}

wallets {NODE_TYPE}



tokens ${WALLET_ADR}

cacheNodes - Update the local nodes cache

Each script will automatically get the latest node definitions but will ignore the nodes which could not be loaded. There are currently around ~212 nodes which it is not possible to load via the v3 contract for various reasons. Running this script will attempt to download the data for the missing entries.


yarn start cacheNodes


Attempting to load script: cacheNodes
Last node cached was #37154, latestNodeId is #37156.
Fetching the type & speciality for 2 new nodes...
Successfully fetched 2 new types.
Attempting to fetch 212 missing node types...
Failed to fetch 212 missing node types.
Attempting to store to file ../data/nodeTypesById.json:
Attempting to store to file ../data/missingNodes.json:
Successfully cached 2 new node types & specialities.
Done in 32.97s.

cacheWallets - Update the local wallet addresses cache

Each script requiring wallet address lookup will automatically trigger this script in order to get the latest addresses before execution.


yarn start cacheWallets


Attempting to load script: cacheWallets
There are 8176 node owners.
Last node wallet idx was #8156, latestWalletIdx is #8176.
Fetching wallet addresses for 20 new node holders...     
[19/20] #8174 0xdDC79d0362a100e30158a02759f8175D2809f6Bc
[13/20] #8168 0x77C500C5865D311CB7Eb648B206C016f2a102fc0
[17/20] #8172 0xdDF14f9bCB41149289ba0D139b7AA67eDdA7961b
Successfully fetched 20 new wallet addresses.
Attempting to store to file ../data/nodeWalletsById.json:
Successfully cached 20 new node holder wallet addresses.
Done in 0.49s.

nodes - Summarises the counts of all cached nodes

Amalgamates all node entries into a summarised report broken down by node type & speciality.


yarn start nodes


Attempting to load script: nodes
Generating node count summary...                    
Successfully summarised node counts:
  "total": 35806,
  "fuji": {
    "total": 1764,
    "standard": 1728,
    "silver": 1,
    "gold": 1,
    "diamond": 18,
    "emerald": 16
  "montBlanc": {
    "total": 19998,
    "standard": 19977,
    "silver": 1,
    "gold": 1,
    "diamond": 10,
    "emerald": 9
Done in 0.10s.

nodes {WALLET_ADR} - Get nodes by wallet address

Creates a summary break down by node type & speciality for the provided wallet address.


yarn start nodes 0x6C1c0319d8dDcb0ffE1a68C5b3829Fd361587DB4


Attempting to load script: nodes              
Finding nodes for wallet 0x6C1c0319d8dDcb0ffE1a68C5b3829Fd361587DB4...
Successfully found the following nodes:
  "total": 120,     
  "fuji": {},       
  "montBlanc": {    
    "total": 15,    
    "standard": 15  
Done in 0.48s.

wallets {NODE_TYPE} - Find the top 25 wallets by node type

Generates a list of top wallets holding the specified node type.


yarn start wallets Fuji

yarn start wallets 'Everest Diamond'


Attempting to load script: wallets
Finding top 25 wallets holding Olympus nodes...
Total Olympus nodes found: 401...
Searching for node owners...
Successfully found top 25 wallets holding Olympus nodes:
  "0xb8656Cf6f863eC38869cdcdB1f9E6E17608DaF20": 2,
  "0x6C1c0319d8dDcb0ffE1a68C5b3829Fd361587DB4": 1,
Done in 0.60s.

emissions - Emissions summary

Generates a summary of emissions broke down by node type & specialty, includes totals.


yarn start emissions Fuji


Attempting to load script: emissions
Generating node emissions summary...   
Successfully summarised node emissions:
  "total": 420106.95375,               
  "fuji": {                            
    "standard": {                      
      "rate": 0.3825,                  
      "count": 1851,                   
      "total": 708.0075                
    "silver": {                        
      "rate": 0.595,                   
      "count": 1,                      
      "total": 0.595                   
  "montBlanc": {
    "standard": {
      "rate": 0.8415,
      "count": 20787,
      "total": 17492.2605
    "silver": {
      "rate": 1.122,
      "count": 1,
      "total": 1.122
Done in 2.5s.

tokens - Top 50 wallets by tokens

Amalgamates pending & wallet token balances then sorts and returns top 50 addresses.


yarn start tokens


Attempting to load script: tokens
There are 8176 node owners.
Last node wallet idx was #8175, latestWalletIdx is #8175.
Latest node holder wallets are up-to date.
Attempting to store to file ../data/nodeWalletsById.json:
Generating tokens summary...
Found 8176 wallet addresses.
[100/8176] 1.22%
[200/8176] 2.45%
Successfully summarised balance & pending tokens for 8175 wallets.
Top 50 wallets by total:
	[1]		0xe65…7843	39138.02
	[2]		0xab3…a053	36073.7
Done in 354.36s.

tokens {WALLET_ADR} - Get tokens by wallet

Returns wallet & pending balance for specified wallet.


yarn start tokens 0xa1B670426A127F7fD0649E4fea95fFf4A077bD9E


Attempting to load script: tokens
Finding tokens for wallet 0xa1B670426A127F7fD0649E4fea95fFf4A077bD9E...
Successfully found the following tokens:
  "balance": 20930.336870086074,
  "pending": 2463.7738216646085,
  "total": 23394.110691750684
Done in 0.77s.