This is a project that includes Rudigo's landing page together with the business/student login. It also has the student's details as well as the business details...
This project consists of about Three pages(login excluded):
The Index page: Which has all the details and mission of RUDIGO as a company. It contains like 2/7 of all you need to know.
The About Page: This page complements in the index page in the sense that this page contains what the company does, the mission of the company and also the team in charge of the training/ co-founders. Lastly, it has the contact section.
Lastly, the Business page: Which has the business registration section and also some info of how a business can recruit interns from rudigo.
This website was made fully with md-bootstrap which is a full extension of bootstrap4 and material design. In otherwords, material design + bootstrap = mdbootstrap. 'MD' standing for material design. To contribute, you could visit mdbootstrap's site for more information and their documentation.