Loggers are used by applications and runtime components to capture message and trace events. Log handlers write log record objects to output devices like log files
- (new)Slack webhook support
- change timezone
- customize logfile name
- control console log
- pretty loggers
Install via NPM:
npm install log-file-write
const {
} = require("log-file-write");
timeZone: "Asia/Colombo",
folderPath: "./logs",
dateBasedFileNaming: true,
fileName: "Global_Logs",
fileNamePrefix: "Logs_",
fileNameSuffix: "file",
fileNameExtension: ".log",
dateFormat: "YYYY-M-DD",
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss.SSS",
logLevel: "deb",
onlyFileLogging: false, // if you want to print content to console
slackWebhookUrl: "", //https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
logsDeletePeriodInDays: 60, // delete log files after 60 days default is 60
// // Log a simple error message
Info("Some informational log message");
// // // Log an error message with service and method names
// Error('Something has failed!', 'Some service', 'Some method');
Success("Success message 1", "Success service", "Success method");
Debug("Debug message 1", "Debug service", "Debug method");
Trace("Trace message 1", "Trace service", "Trace method");
Info("Info message 1", "Info service", "Info method");
Warn("Warning message 1", "Warn service", "warn method");
Error("Error message 1", "Error service", "Error method");
Fatal("Fatal message 1", "Fatal service", "Fatal method");
Log("debug", "Debug message 2", "S1", "M1", { baz: "foo" }, () => {
console.log("Debug message 2");
// Log an fatal error message with service and method names and error object
Fatal("Something has failed!", "Some service", "Some method", {
bar: "foo",
Info("Something has failed!", null, null, null, function () {
// Do something
console.log("Messages have been logged");