a Python package to automate Bloons TD 6 (BTD6) game play

Primary LanguagePython

BTD6 Automation

BTD6_Automation is a Python package that provides functions to grind BTD6 XP or collection event and automate BTD6 game play.

Guide for BTD6 Automation

  • With Game class, you can control and automate the game experience in BTD6.
  • With Tower class, you can develop your own strategy for a map and mode in BTD6 that has 99.99% reproducibility (there might exist RNG).


  • IMPORTANT: Set the BTD6 screen size at 1600 * 900, otherwise the positioning will be wrong
  • IMPORTANT: Set hotkey to default setting, otherwise the tower operation will be wrong since it depends on hotkey


  • to_front:let the BTD6 window be the front window by double-clicking the center of BTD6 window.

  • class Game: operate game page behavior

    • usage: Game(map: str, difficulty: str)
      • Example: game = Game("monkey meadow", "easy")
    • class functions:
      • home operator
        • ready: enter the chosen map and mode from home page
          • Example: game.ready()
      • game operator
        • game_play: play and fast-forward the game
          • Example: game.game_play()
        • game_exit: exit to home page when the game is over (victory or lost)
          • Example: game.game_exit()
        • free_play: continue to free play
          • Example: game.free_play()
  • class Tower: operate monkey tower behavior

    • usage: Tower(tower name: str, x: int, y: int), x and y are the relative position of the tower on BTD6 window
      • Example: tower = Tower("dart", 100, 100)
    • tower name are recorded in BTD6_Automation/lib/dicts.py
    • class functions:
      • place: place the tower at the given position
        • arguments:
          • upgrade: upgrade the tower to the given level
            • Example: tower.place(upgrade=[0,1,2])
          • targeting: set the targeting of the tower (press TAB for a number of times)
            • Example: tower.place(targeting=2)
          • money_t: set the money of the tower (have default value which corresponds to mode played on)
            • Example: tower.place(money_t=200)
      • upgrade_to: upgrade the tower to the given level at certain path
        • Example: tower.upgrade_to(path1=2, path2=3, path3=0)
      • upgrade_with_order: upgrade the tower with given order.
        • note that the argument is a tuple or list that each element is 1-3 (the path number)
        • Example: tower.upgrade_with_order([3,1,3])
      • sell: sell the tower
  • json_to_play: you can store game strategy in a json file.

    • The package provides bulit-in strategy json files in BTD6_Automation\lib\MapPlay\{map name}.json
    • You can use json_to_play("monkey meadow", "easy") to implement the example strategy if the package has it.
    • You can write your own strategy and use json_to_play("monkey meadow", "easy", json_path=YOUR_JSON_PATH) to implement strategy.
  • class Collection: grind collection event

    • usage Collection("easy").grind
    • Note that even though expert impoppable is the best mode to grind collection event, I have not written strategy for every expert map yet.