
Made scraping easy by the human-understandable $pointer to look for the interested data

Primary LanguageC#

🎓 Scraperor-v2 [scraping service]

You already know what this is

💡 Usage

{{POST}}: ($DOMAIN)/api/scrape


Example body -> (Extract the bio-text from github user page)
    "website": "https://github.com/Thiti-Dev",
    "pointer": {
        "look_for": {
            "tag": "div",
            "has_classes": [
            "then_look_for": {
                "tag": "div"
    "success": true,
    "contents": [
        "My github's bio, it can be any as I can change it anytime lol but for now at this commit date it was `I'm backkkk`",
Example body -> (Extract the definition from the longdo dict with the word kind)
    "website": "https://dict.longdo.com/search/kind",
    "pointer": {
        "look_for": {
            "tag": "tr",
            "has_classes": ["lang-rows","lang-TH"],
            "then_look_for": {
                "tag": "table",
                "has_classes": [
                "then_look_for": {
                    "tag": "td",
                    "then_look_for": {
                        "tag": "a"
    "success": true,
    "contents": [

📕 CookBook

  • The then_look_for prop can be nested infinitely
  • you can exclude the tag property if you are intending to look for (*)wildcard tag element
  • These 2 is in implementation backlog (too lazy for now, feel free to open PRs)
    • Custom Attribute-$LOOKUP
    • ID-$LOOKUP