
A plugin for bukkit 1.16 that randomly generates temporary structures into an existing world

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Bukkit plugin for minecraft 1.16 that randomly generates temporary structures into an existing world

What ResourceSpawner does

The short version

ResourceSpawner spawns things at random locations, and optionally decays them after an amount of time

The long version Each cycle, each Resource Spawner will:
  • If the structure limit is not met:
  • Choose a World Provider, and use it to pick a world.
  • Choose a Location Provider, and use it to pick a location.
  • Choose a Spawn Provider, and check a set of Conditions.
  • If all conditions are met, use it to spawn something.

World Providers

World providers provide a list of worlds a Resource Spawner may operate in.

Location Providers

Location providers provide an area a Resource Spawner may operate in, such as a cuboid, sphere, etc. Some location providers offer Distributions, to allow generation bias towards certain areas

Spawn Providers

Spawn providers spawn something in the location, such as a structure or entity

Structure Providers

Structure Providers are a special type of Spawn Provider that will spawn a structure. Since structure generation speed is limited, you can choose a Structure Sorter to define in what order the blocks will spawn or decay

Structure Providers allow you to schedule the structure to decay after a given amount of time. This time can be reset by Triggers


Triggers will reset the timer on a structure provider when a specific event happens, such as a block being broken or a player moving nearby. Triggers can be set to reset the time to any value.


Conditions check the area around a spawn for specific features before allowing it to continue.

For even more details, see the Features List section


All significant actions in ResourceSpawner, from scanning a large area to spawning a single entity, are limited to spend no more than a given amount of time per tick. This is configurable, in nanoseconds, for each resource spawner In addition, resource spawners can be set to only tick at specific intervals

Extensive Plugin API

Plugins can register new World Providers, Location Providers, Spawn Providers, Conditions, Structure Sorters, Triggers, and Distributions by listening for the ResourceSpawnerInitializationEvent and using its register methods.

For examples of these, see the Source Code

Note: Your plugin should use itself for the NamespacedKey, not ResourceSpawner

Hjson Configuration

ResourceSpawner uses Hjson for its configuration to avoid the messiness of YAML, while still providing a reasonably user-friendly configuration file

Basic configuration format:

Basic configuration format:
    debug: false //this line is optional, but set it to true to enable an excessive amount of console output for debugging (This may slow down the plugin)
    resource_spawners: [
            //a resource spawner
            //another resource spawner
For the formats of Resource Spawners and everything else, see the **Features List** section

Features List

Here is a comprehensive list of everything ResourceSpawner has to offer. All settings are Optional unless otherwise specified


Scanners scan a large area around the player to find resource nodes with /resourcespawner scan All scanners are run in order.

The included scanners will only find spawned Structures

Settings common to all scanners

String type (Required)

Which scanner this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

int min_range (Default 0)

The minimum range at which this will detect resources

int max_range (Default 2147483647)

The maximum range at which this will detect resources

int max_results (Default 64)

The maximum number of scan results that will be listed.

Object display_names

A map of display names to show. values must be Strings

List of scanners


id: resourcespawner:coordinate

Lists the exact coordinates of spawned structures in range.

This scanner has no settings

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: coordinate
    //list all structures within 1km
    min_range: 0
    max_range: 1000
    //only list 10 structures to avoid spamming the chat
    max_results: 10
    //set user friendly display names
    display_names: {
        iron_rock: Iron Ore Rock

id: resourcespawner:direction

Lists the direction and/or distance to each spawned structure in range.


boolean show_distance (Default false)

If true, this will show the distance to the resource node.

boolean use_distance_prefixes (Default true)

If true, large distances such as 10000m will be shortened to 10km

boolean show_direction (Default false)

If true, this will show which direction the structure is in (N/E/S/W/UP/DOWN)

boolean use_intercardinals (Default true)

If true, show_direction will also use intercardinals (NW/NE/SE/SW)

boolean use_secondary_intercardinals (Default false)

If true, show_direction will also use secondary intercardinals (NNW/NNE/ENE/ESE/SSE/SSW/WSW/WNW)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: direction
    //list all structures within 1km-5km
    min_range: 1000
    max_range: 5000
    //list 10 structures to avoid spamming the chat
    max_results: 10
    //set friendly display names
    display_names: {
        iron_rock: Iron Ore Rock
        oak: Oak Tree
    //show the distance to the structures
    show_distance: true
    use_distance_prefixes: true
    //show the direction without secondary intercardinals
    show_direction: true
    use_intercardinals: true
    use_secondary_intercardinals: false

Resource Spawners


String name (Required)

The name of the resource spawner, used for saving/loading and for debugging. Must be unique

Array world_providers

Each spawn, a world provider will be randomly chosen from this list.

Although not required, this resource spawner will do nothing if this is not present

Array location_providers

Each spawn, a location provider will be randomly chosen from this list.

Although not required, this resource spawner will do nothing if this is not present

Array spawn_providers

Each spawn, a spawn provider will be randomly chosen from this list.

Although not required, this resource spawner will do nothing if this is not present

int limit (Default 1)

The maximum number of structures this resource spawner can have active at a time. Set to -1 to disable the limit, but be very careful if you do to avoid runaway generation!

Note: This only counts Structures, not other spawn types!

int spawn_delay (Default 0)

The minimum delay, in ticks, between spawns. (This is the time from the beginning of one spawn to the begginning of the next, although there cannot be multiple things spawning at the same time in one resource spawner)

int tick_interval (Default 1)

The interval, in ticks, at which this resource spawner runs. This is useful if you don't want it running every tick. (This will decrease the resolution of all underlying delays; ex. if you set this to 1 minute, delays will be effectively rounded up to the nearest minute)

long max_tick_time (Default 5_000_000 (5ms, or 10% of a tick))

The maximum time, in nanoseconds, this resource spawner may spend on a task in one tick. (Resolution is not perfect; see System#nanoTime() if you're interested in why)

    name: example
    world_providers: [
            //a world provider
    location_providers: [
            //a location provider
    spawn_providers: [
            //a spawn provider
    //spawn no more than 10 structures
    limit: 10
    //spawn structures every minute (1200 ticks)
    spawn_delay: 1200
    //tick every 10 seconds (200 ticks)
    tick_interval: 200
    //limit to 1 millisecond of processing per tick (1,000,000 nanoseconds)
    max_tick_time: 1_000_000

World Providers

Settings common to all world providers

String type (Required)

Which world provider this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

int weight (Default 1)

Determines the chance of this world provider being picked. Works like the weights in Loot Tables

List of world providers


id: resourcespawner:environment

Provides a random world with a certain Environment

All worlds have an equal chance of being selected; For individual weights, make a World Provider for each one


String environment (Default normal)

The environment to provide. Accepted values are all environments here, as well as overworld for the normal environment

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: environment
    weight: 1
    //provide all nether-type worlds
    environment: nether

id: resourcespawner:uuid

Provides a set of worlds by their UUIDs

All worlds have an equal chance of being selected; For individual weights, make a World Provider for each one


Array worlds (Required)

A list of worlds to provide. Each entry must be a string with the String representation of the world's UUID (with dashes!)

boolean blacklist (Default false)

If set, this will provide all worlds except those provided in worlds

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: uuid
    weight: 1
    worlds: [
        //list of world UUIDs
    //provide all worlds except these
    blacklist: true

id: resourcespawner:name

Provides a set of worlds by their Names

All worlds have an equal chance of being selected; For individual weights, make a World Provider for each one


Array worlds (Default normal)

A list of worlds to provide. Each entry must be a string with the world's name (Case sensitive!)

boolean blacklist (Default false)

If set, this will provide all worlds except those provided in worlds

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: name
    weight: 1
    worlds: [
        //list of world names
    //provide only these worlds
    blacklist: false

Location Providers

Settings common to all location providers

String type (Required)

Which location provider this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

int weight (Default 1)

Determines the chance of this location provider being picked. Works like the weights in Loot Tables

List of location providers


id: resourcespawner:block

Provides the location of a single block


int x (Required)

The X coordinate of the block

int y (Required)

The Y coordinate of the block

int z (Required)

The Z coordinate of the block

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: block
    weight: 1
    //block coordinates
    x: 42
    y: 64
    z: 9001

id: resourcespawner:square

Provides random locations in a square around a point in the world


int x (Required)

The X coordinate of the center of the square

int z (Required)

The Z coordinate of the center of the square

int radius (default 0)

The radius of the square, not including the center block (radius of 1 means 3x3, 2 means 5x5, etc.)

int min_y (default -2147483648)

The minimum Y value of this cuboid. Locations will never be provided lower than the bottom of the world, so negative values are allowed

int max_y (default 2147483647)

the maximum Y value of this cuboid. Locations will never be provided higher than the top of the world, so extremely large values are allowed

String vertical_distribution (default even)

The vertical distribution to use. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

String horizontal_distribution (default even)

The horizontal distribution to use. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: square 
    weight: 1
    //center X/Z coordinates
    x: 42
    z: 42
    //offer a 500 block radius (1001x1001) square
    radius: 500
    // all locations above sea level
    min_y: 64
    // no locations higher than 1024
    max_y: 1024
    //use an even distribution for vertical distribution
    vertical_distribution: even
    //use a gaussian distribution for horizontal distribution
    horizontal_distribution: gaussian

id: resourcespawner:circle

Provides random locations in a circle around a point in the world

Note: This has the same distribution as the Square Location provider, but discards any points outside the circle


int x (Required)

The X coordinate of the center of the circle

int z (Required)

The Z coordinate of the center of the circle

int radius (default 0)

The radius of the circle

int min_y (default -2147483648)

The minimum Y value of the cylinder. Locations will never be provided lower than the bottom of the world, so negative values are allowed

int max_y (default 2147483647)

the maximum Y value of the cylinder. Locations will never be provided higher than the top of the world, so extremely large values are allowed

String vertical_distribution (default even)

The vertical distribution to use. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

String horizontal_distribution (default even)

The horizontal distribution to use. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: circle 
    weight: 1
    //center XZ coordinates
    x: -64
    z: 9001
    //offer a 400 block radius circle
    radius: 400
    // all locations above y=0
    min_y: 0
    // no locations higher than 255
    max_y: 255
    //use a gaussian distribution for vertical distribution
    vertical_distribution: gaussian 
    //use an even distribution for horizontal distribution
    horizontal_distribution: even 

id: resourcespawner:cuboid

Provides random locations from a given cuboid area


int min_x (Required)

the minimum X value of the cuboid

int max_x (Required)

the maximum X value of the cuboid

int min_y (default -2147483648)

The minimum Y value of the cuboid. Locations will never be provided lower than the bottom of the world, so negative values are allowed

int max_y (default 2147483647)

the maximum Y value of the cuboid. Locations will never be provided higher than the top of the world, so extremely large values are allowed

int min_z (Required)

the minimum Z value of the cuboid

int max_z (Required)

the maximum Z value of the cuboid

String x_distribution (default even)

The distribution to use on the X axis. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

String y_distribution (default even)

The distribution to use on the Y axis. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

String z_distribution (default even)

The distribution to use on the Z axis. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: cuboid 
    weight: 1
    //min coordinates
    min_x: 64
    min_y: 32
    min_z: 2
    //max coordinates
    max_x: 128
    max_y: 512
    max_z: 9999
    //use a gaussian distribution for the X axis
    x_distribution: gaussian
    //use an even distribution for the Y axis
    y_distribution: even
    //use an even distribution for the Z axis
    z_distribution: even

id: resourcespawner:surface

Provides random locations from the surface in a given square

Initial locations are the highest solid block at each x/z value, as described in World#GetHighestBlockAt


int x (Required)

The x coordinate of the center of the square

int z (Required)

The z coordinate of the center of the square

int y_offset (Default 1) The height off the ground that is the location provided if set to 0, the ground block itself will be provided.

int radius (Default 0)

The radius of the square, not including the center block (radius of 1 means 3x3, 2 means 5x5, etc.)

String distribution (default even)

The distribution to use. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Distribution (see Distributions)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: surface
    weight: 1
    //Center XZ coordinates
    x: 96
    z: 1000000
    //1000 block square radius (2001x2001)
    radius: 1000
    //use a gaussian distribution
    distribution: gaussian

Spawn Providers

Settings common to all spawn providers

String type (Required)

Which spawn provider this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

int weight (Default 1)

Determines the chance of this location provider being picked. Works like the weights in Loot Tables

Array conditions (Optional)

A list of Conditions that must be met for this to spawn. See Conditions for more details

Structure spawn providers are a type of spawn provider that generate structures. They also have some common settings:

Settings common to all structure spawn providers

String name (Required)

The name of the spawn provider, used for saving/loading and for debugging. Must be unique

String build_order

The order in which blocks will spawn. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Structure Sorter (see Structure Sorters)

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

If no build order is listed, the structure will be built in an undefined order

Array replace

A list of blocks that can be replaced.

Each entry must be a string, which can match a block name or block tag (ex. #minecraft:fences)

Object decay

An object that holds all of the decay settings.

Decay settings

String decay_order

The order in which blocks will decay. should be a namespaced id matching that of a Structure Sorter (see Structure Sorters)

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

If no decay order is listed, the structure will decay in an undefined order

int delay (Required)

The time, in ticks, before this structure will decay

Array reset_triggers

A list of Triggers that can extend the decay time. see Triggers for more details

String decay_to (Default air)

The block to decay to. (ex. air or water)

Trigger settings

Each Decay trigger has these common settings

int delay (Required)

The value to reset the decay timer to. This cannot decrease the time

List of Structure spawn providers

WorldEdit Schematic

id: resourcespawner:we_schematic

(Requires WorldEdit)

Provides a structure from a schematic readable by WorldEdit

The structure will always spawn with the center of the structure at the spawn location.


String file (Required)

The path to the schematic file, from the ResourceSpawner folder (a value of folder/file.schem would point to the file .../plugins/ResourceSpawner/folder/file.schem)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: we_schematic
    name: wow_so_cool
    weight: 1
    //schematic file
    file: some/interesting/subfolder/cool_structure.schem
    conditions: [
            //a condition
            //another condition
    //build from center, namespace not required for built-in stuff
    build_order: from_center
    replace: [
        //replace only air and cave air
    decay: {
        //decay in random order, namespace not required for built-in stuff
        decay_order: random
        //decay after 1 hour (72000 ticks)
        delay: 72000
        reset_triggers: [
                //trigger definition and settings go here

                //reset to 10 minutes
                delay: 12000 
                conditions: [
                        //a condition
                        //another condition
        //leave air behind when decaying
        decay_to: air

List of Other spawn providers


id: resourcespawner:entity

Spawns a single entity of the given type


String entity (Required)

The entity type to spawn

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: entity
    weight: 1
    //spawn a sheep
    entity: minecraft:sheep
    conditions: [
            //a condition
            //another condition


Settings common to all conditions

String type (Required)

Which condition this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

List of conditions

Cube Fill

id: resourcespawner:cube_fill

Checks the block types in a cube centered on the spawn location


int radius (Default 0)

The radius of the cube, not including the center block (radius of 1 means 3x3x3, 2 means 5x5x3, etc.)

If the cube extends below the bottom of the world or past world height, every position outside the world will be skipped

Array blocks (Required)

A list of blocks to search for

Each entry must be a string, which can match a block name or block tag (ex. #minecraft:fences)

int min

The minimum number of blocks that must be present. If fewer than this many blocks are found, the condition will fail

int max

The maximum number of blocks that must be present. If more than this many blocks are found, the condition will fail

double min_percent

The minimum percentage of blocks that must be present (where 100.0 is 100%) If fewer than this percentage of the total area are the given blocks, the condition will fail

double max_percent

The maximum percentage of blocks that must be present (where 100.0 is 100%) If more than this percentage of the total area are the given blocks, the condition will fail

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: cube_fill
    //check all blocks in a 401x401x401 cube
    radius: 200
    blocks: [
        //only looking for air, nothing else
    //you probably don't need all four of these at once; they're just here for demonstration
    // must have at least 50 air blocks
    min: 50
    // must have no more than 500 air blocks
    max: 500
    //must be all air
    min_percent: 100
    //must be no more than 20% air
    max_percent: 20
Cube WorldGuard Region

id: resourcespawner:cube_wg_region

(Requires WorldGuard)

Checks for WorldGuard regions in a cube centered on the spawn location (to check just the spawn block, set radius to 0)


int radius (Default 0)

The radius of the cube, not including the center block (radius of 1 means 3x3x3, 2 means 5x5x3, etc.)

If the cube extends below the bottom of the world or past world height, every position outside the world will be skipped

Array regions

A list of regions to search for

Each entry must be a string, which matches the region ID (name)

boolean invert (Default false)

If set to true, this will look for any region except those listed in regions

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: cube_wg_region
    //check all blocks in a 401x401x401 cube
    radius: 200
    regions: [
        //a list of region names
    //don't spawn stuff in the above regions
    invert: true
Entity Proximity

id: resourcespawner:entity_proximity

Searches for entities in a spherical radius around the spawn location


int radius (Required)

The radius of the sphere to check

Array entities

A list of entity types to search for

Each entry must be a string, matching the id of an entity type

boolean invert (Default false)

If set to true, this will fail if any the listed entities are found

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: entity_proximity
    //check for entities in a 200 block radius
    radius: 200
    entities: [
        //only spawn near players and items
    //one of these entities must be nearby
    invert: false

id: resourcespawner:block

Searches for a specific block in a specific relative location


int x_offset (default 0)

The X offset of the block to look for

int y_offset (default 0)

the Y offset of the block to look for

int z_offset (default 0)

the Z offset of the block to look for

boolean invert (default false)

if true, this condition will fail if the block matches any of those listed in blocks

Array blocks (Required)

A list of blocks to search for

Each entry must be a string, which can match a block name or block tag (ex. #minecraft:fences)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: block
    //relative position
    x_offset: 0
    y_offset: -1
    z_offset: 0
    blocks: [
        //a list of blocks to look for
    //must not be lava
    invert: true

id: resourcespawner:biome

Checks the biome at the spawn location


boolean invert (default false)

if true, this condition will fail if the biome matches any of those listed in biomes

Array biomes (Required)

A list of biomes to search for

Each entry must be a string, matching the biome name

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: block
    biomes: [
        //a list of biomes to check for
    //only spawn in plains
    invert: false
World Time

id: resourcespawner:world_time

Checks that the world time is within a specific range (current day time, not total time)


int min

The minimum time allowed

int max

The maximum time allowed

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: world_time
    //must be after noon
    min: 6000
    //must be before midnight
    max: 18000
Moon Phase

id: resourcespawner:moon_phase

Checks that the phase of the moon is within a specific range, where 0 is the full moon


int min

The minimum phase allowed

int max

The maximum phase allowed

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    type: moon_phase
    //must be at least a waning crescent
    min: 3
    //must be no later than a waxing crescent
    max: 5

Structure Sorters

Structure sorters do not have individual settings

List of Structure Sorters

From Center

id: resourcespawner:from_center

Creates or destroys blocks from the center of the structure outwards

To Center

id: resourcespawner:to_center

Creates or destroys blocks from the outside of the structure inwards towards the center


id: resourcespawner:random

Creates or destroys blocks in a random order


Settings common to all triggers

String trigger (Required)

Which trigger this is; should be a namespaced ID

If no namespace is provided, a default of resourcespawner will be assumed

Array conditions

A list of Conditions that must be met for this trigger to activate. See Conditions for more details

List of triggers

Block Broken

id: resourcespawner:block_broken

Triggers when one of a structures' blocks is broken


List blocks

A list of blocks to trigger for. If not provided, this will trigger for all blocks.

Each entry must be a string, which can match a block name or block tag (ex. #minecraft:fences)

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    trigger: block_broken
    blocks: [
        //A list of blocks or block tags

id: resourcespawner:timer

Triggers at regular intervals


int interval (Required)

How often to trigger, in ticks

    //namespace not required for built-in stuff
    trigger: timer
    //trigger every second
    interval: 20
    //timer is designed to be used with conditions
    conditions: [
        //a condition


Distributions do not have individual settings

List of Distributions


id: resourcespawner:even

provides a random number with an equal change of each value


id: resourcespawner:gaussian

provides a random number with a gaussian distribution, centered on the middle of the given range, with a standard deviation that meets both ends. This can exceed the given range!