
Laravel SDK for Cloudinary

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Cloudinary Laravel Package

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A Laravel Package for uploading, optimizing, transforming and delivering media files with Cloudinary. Furthermore, it provides a fluent and expressive API to easily attach your media files to Eloquent models.


This software/code provided under Cloudinary Labs is an unsupported pre-production prototype undergoing further development and provided on an “AS IS” basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. Furthermore, Cloudinary is not under any obligation to provide a commercial version of the software.

Your use of the Software/code is at your sole risk and Cloudinary will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or similar damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the Software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

You should refrain from uploading any confidential or personally identifiable information to the Software. All rights to and in the Software are and will remain at all times, owned by, or licensed to Cloudinary.


Contributions from the community via PRs are welcome and will be fully credited. For details, see contributions.md.


Upload a file (Image, Video or any type of File) to Cloudinary:

*  Using the Cloudinary Facade

// Upload an Image File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

// Upload a Video File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::uploadVideo($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

// Upload any File to Cloudinary with One line of Code
$uploadedFileUrl = Cloudinary::uploadFile($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

 *  This package also exposes a helper function you can use if you are not a fan of Facades
 *  Shorter, expressive, fluent using the
 *  cloudinary() function

// Upload an image file to cloudinary with one line of code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->upload($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

// Upload a video file to cloudinary with one line of code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->uploadVideo($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

// Upload any file  to cloudinary with one line of code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->uploadFile($request->file('file')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

// Upload an existing remote file to Cloudinary with one line of code
$uploadedFileUrl = cloudinary()->uploadFile($remoteFileUrl)->getSecurePath();

 *  You can also skip the Cloudinary Facade or helper method and laravel-ize your uploads by simply calling the
 *  storeOnCloudinary() method on the file itself

// Store the uploaded file on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file('file')->storeOnCloudinary();

// Store the uploaded file on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinary();

// Store the uploaded file in the "lambogini" directory on Cloudinary
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinary('lambogini');

// Store the uploaded file in the "lambogini" directory on Cloudinary with the filename "prosper"
$result = $request->file->storeOnCloudinaryAs('lambogini', 'prosper');

$result->getPath(); // Get the url of the uploaded file; http
$result->getSecurePath(); // Get the url of the uploaded file; https
$result->getSize(); // Get the size of the uploaded file in bytes
$result->getReadableSize(); // Get the size of the uploaded file in bytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes. E.g 1.8 MB
$result->getFileType(); // Get the type of the uploaded file
$result->getFileName(); // Get the file name of the uploaded file
$result->getOriginalFileName(); // Get the file name of the file before it was uploaded to Cloudinary
$result->getPublicId(); // Get the public_id of the uploaded file
$result->getExtension(); // Get the extension of the uploaded file
$result->getWidth(); // Get the width of the uploaded file
$result->getHeight(); // Get the height of the uploaded file
$result->getTimeUploaded(); // Get the time the file was uploaded

Attach Files to Laravel Eloquent Models:

First, import the CloudinaryLabs\CloudinaryLaravel\MediaAlly trait into your Model like so:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use CloudinaryLabs\CloudinaryLaravel\MediaAlly;

class Page extends Model
    use MediaAlly;


Next, publish the package's migration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CloudinaryLabs\CloudinaryLaravel\CloudinaryServiceProvider" --tag="cloudinary-laravel-migration"

Note: Once this has been published, run php artisan migrate to create the required table in your Database.

You can now attach media assets to your model like so:

 *  How to attach a file to a Model by model creation
$page = Page::create($this->request->input());
$page->attachMedia($file);   // Example of $file is $request->file('file');

 *  How to attach a file to a Model by retrieving model records
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->attachMedia($file);  // Example of $file is $request->file('file');

 *  How to retrieve files that were attached to a Model
$filesBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchAllMedia();

 *  How to retrieve the first file that was attached to a Model
$fileBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchFirstMedia();

 *  How to retrieve the last file that was attached to a Model
$fileBelongingToSecondPage = Page::find(2)->fetchLastMedia();

 *  How to replace/update files attached to a Model
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->updateMedia($file);  // Example of $file is $request->file('file');

*  How to detach a file from a Model
$page = Page::find(2);
$page->detachMedia($file)  // Example of $file is $request->file('file');

Upload Files Via An Upload Widget:

Use the x-cld-upload-button Blade upload button component that ships with this Package like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            Upload Files

Other Blade components you can use are:

<x-cld-image public-id="prosper" width="300" height="300"></x-cld-image> // Blade Image Component for displaying images

<x-cld-video public-id="awesome"></x-cld-video> // Blade Video Component for displaying videos

Media Management via The Command Line:

*  Back-up Files on Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:backup

 *  Delete a File on Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:delete

 * Fetch a File from Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:fetch

 * Rename a File from Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:rename

 * Upload a File to Cloudinary
php artisan cloudinary:upload


PHP 7.2+, and Composer are required.

To get the latest version of Laravel Cloudinary, simply require it:

composer require cloudinary-labs/cloudinary-laravel

Or add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file.

"cloudinary-labs/cloudinary-laravel": "1.0.1"

You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Laravel Cloudinary is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

'providers' => [

Note: If you use Laravel >= 5.5 , you can skip this step (adding the code above to the providers key) and go to configuration

Also, register the Cloudinary Facade like so:

'aliases' => [
    'Cloudinary' => CloudinaryLabs\CloudinaryLaravel\Facades\Cloudinary::class,


You can publish the configuration file using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CloudinaryLabs\CloudinaryLaravel\CloudinaryServiceProvider" --tag="cloudinary-laravel-config"

A configuration file named cloudinary.php with some sensible defaults will be placed in your config directory:

return [
    | Cloudinary Configuration
    | An HTTP or HTTPS URL to notify your application (a webhook) when the process of uploads, deletes, and any API
    | that accepts notification_url has completed.
    'notification_url' => env('CLOUDINARY_NOTIFICATION_URL'),

    | Cloudinary Configuration
    | Here you may configure your Cloudinary settings. Cloudinary is a cloud hosted
    | media management service for all file uploads, storage, delivery and transformation needs.
    'cloud_url' => env('CLOUDINARY_URL'),

    * Upload Preset From Cloudinary Dashboard
    'upload_preset' => env('CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET')

API Keys

Open your .env file and add your API Environment variable, upload_preset (this is optional, until you need to use the widget) like so:


Note: You need to get these credentials from your Cloudinary Dashboard

If you are using a hosting service like heroku, forge, digital ocean, etc, please ensure to add the above details to your configuration variables.

Cloudinary JS

Cloudinary relies on its own JavaScript library to initiate the Cloudinary Upload Widget. You can load the JavaScript library by placing the @cloudinaryJS directive right before your application layout's closing tag:





The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.