This repo includes both a 2D engine and the game Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (UnitTest3).
Developed with C++.
HY454 - Computer Science Department University Of Crete.
| csd4336 Thodoris Pontzouksidis |
| csd4492 Dimitris Vlachos |
| Honarable mention Nikos Iliakis |
You need to run the game in Visual Studio 2022 with CMAKE lists.
For including SDL2:
- Step 1: Search enviroment variable in windows search bar
- step 2: Then press enviroment variables
- Step 3: Then press new in User variables
- Step 4: Set the enviroment variable name as CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
- Step 5: Then press Browse directory and navigate to the folder where SDL is: <YOUR_PATH>\CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2-devel-2.26.1-VC (we have it inside thirdparty)
For including SDL2_TTF:
- step 1: Then press Browse directory and navigate to the folder where SDL_TTF is: <YOUR_PATH>\CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2_ttf-2.22.0 (we have it inside thirdparty)
- step 2: added to the enciroment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH the path to SDL_TTF use ";" to seperate with previous paths
For including SDL2_MIX:
- step 1: Then press Browse directory and navigate to the folder where SDL_TTF is: <YOUR_PATH>\CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2_mixer-2.8.0 (we have it inside thirdparty)
- step 2: added to the enciroment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH the path to SDL_MIX use ";" to seperate with previous paths
After you set the enviroment variables:
- Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2022
- Step 2: select Open a Local folder
- Step 3: Browse to the first CS454 you see and click open (HIGHEST directory named CS454 the one before this README is located don't double click inside)
- Step 4: if Cmake Integration popup press Enable and set source directory
- Step 5: Then inside CS454/CS454 pick CmakeLists.txt and open it
- Step 6: Then Run UnitTest3 which has the final version of the game
- Step 7: If you get an error dont worry there is one last thing you need to do....
Last step add sdl and sdl2_ttf and sdl2_mixer .dll files:
Step 1: Go in CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2-devel-2.26.1-VC\SDL2\lib\x64\ and copy the files SDL2.dll and SDL2_image.dll
Step 2: Then in CS454/CS454 go into out/build/x64-Debug
Step 3: Then paste the files inside there
Step 4: Go in CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2_ttf-2.22.0\lib\x64 and copy the file SDL2_ttf.dll
Step 5: Then in CS454/CS454 go into out/build/x64-Debug
Step 6 Then paste the files inside there
Step 7: Go in CS454\CS454\ThirdParty\SDL2_ttf-2.22.0\lib\x64 and copy the file SDL2_mixer.dll
Step 8: Then in CS454/CS454 go into out/build/x64-Debug
Step 9: Then paste the files inside there
The game should run fine if you have done everything correctly.