Customizable JavaScript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
- 1
Unable to find JSCustom on Package Control
#150 opened by jazlalli - 4
Embedded markdown recursion error
#144 opened by bcomnes - 6
- 7
Migrate to python 3.8
#149 opened by deathaxe - 3
GraphQL tag scopes not parsing
#146 opened by dndrsn - 0
Can the documentation PLEASE be expanded?
#148 opened by normancates - 0
Very confusing syntax highlighting issue
#147 opened by sunnyAfterSnow - 3
JSDoc / ts-in-js highlighting
#143 opened by bcomnes - 0
LSP-Typescript type hints in pug template literal?
#145 opened by JGJP - 9
Styled Components highlighting bug
#142 opened by felixcatto - 9
Doesn't show up anywhere in the syntax menu
#136 opened by getify - 14
- 11
- 0
Update Flow typing
#141 opened by Thom1729 - 2
- 0
JSDoc type expression highlighting
#137 opened by rchl - 4
Test failures
#139 opened by nk9 - 7
Type parameters don't get a highlight
#138 opened by falsefalse - 3
Build error
#135 opened by laurent-kir - 1
- 2
What are the major differences between this repo and the definitions in SublimeHQ/Packages?
#133 opened by varungandhi-src - 2
- 7
Building Syntaxes Failing with Latest Version
#129 opened by nwoltman - 23
Improvement for styled-components / emotion
#93 opened by kud - 6
Unable to find JSCustom on package control
#128 opened by kaiser101 - 2
JSX Close Tag Ignoring Already Closed Tags
#123 opened by dndrsn - 2
- 5
- 2
- 1
Syntaxes appear in different places in menu depending on whether you have one configuration or several configurations
#101 opened by Thom1729 - 0
Test issue.
#127 opened by Thom1729 - 3
Syntax and commenting issues with TS Generics
#126 opened by idr4n - 16
- 1
Sublime looking for old syntax file
#122 opened by dwhenson - 3
- 5
Use of source.jsx scope for react
#115 opened by bcomnes - 8
React closing tags no longer autocomplete
#114 opened by bcomnes - 23
Typescript / React highlighting broken
#108 opened by Shelagh-Lewins - 2
- 12
JSX Highlighting broken on 2.4.2/3.0.2
#109 opened by bcomnes - 12
Update for next Sublime version
#91 opened by Thom1729 - 11
Latest build - Error loading syntax file "Packages/User/JS Custom/Syntaxes/TypeScript (JSX).sublime-syntax"
#107 opened by Shelagh-Lewins - 5
Multi-line comment breaks highlighting
#106 opened by jeremytm - 3
Syntaxes and overrides not removed on uninstall
#102 opened by ViggoV - 4
- 7
`xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError` after install
#103 opened by malthejorgensen - 1
Pipeline operator underlined with red
#100 opened - 5
- 0
Incorrect flow syntax highlight
#92 opened by ShinyChang - 5
Error while loading the plugin on startup
#90 opened by predragnikolic