
Django Multi-tenant , microservices , Kubernetes, Jenkins, Github Actions and Multiple Databases using docker, bash, postgres, terraform, Redis, celery and AWS API Gateway.

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Automating Django , Celery , Redis and postgres deployment to AWS EC2 using Terraform ( Complete Guide)



Automating deployment processes is crucial for modern web development, enhancing productivity and reliability. In this article, we focus on automating the deployment of a Django web application onto an Ubuntu Server hosted on AWS EC2.


Before we get into the good stuffs, first we need to make sure we have the required services on our local machine or dev server, which are:

  • Basic knowledge of Django
  • AWS Account
  • Github Account
  • AWS CLI installed and configured.
  • Docker installed locally.
  • Typescript installed
  • Postman
  • Python 3
  • NPM
  • NodeJS
  • Terraform
  • A Domain name Hosted from any domain name provider ( Ex: AWS Route 53 )
  • Basic familiarity with YAML and GitHub workflows.
  • A Django project hosted in a GitHub repository
  • Basic knowledge of HTML or React
  • Any Browser for testing
  • Intermediate knowledge in Serverless Computing ( Ex : AWS Lambda , ECS,..)

You can follow along with this source code: GitHub - joelwembo/django-multitenant-saas-ecommerce-kubernetes: Django Multi-tenant … Django Multi-tenant , microservices , Kubernetes, Jenkins, Github Actions and Multiple Databases using docker, bash… github.com


Step 1: Create a virtual environment to hold all pip libraries installations

If you don’t have virtualenv installed, you can install it by running the following command in your CMD after Python was installed:

Create virtual environment for Python python3 -m venv .venv

Step 2 : Activate the environment:

source ./venv/bin/activate
source ./venv/bin/deactivate ( To Deactivate )

Step 3: Create project folder

mkdir app

Step 4: Install Django

pip install django

Step 5: Create a new Django project inside the project folder

A Django app is a self-contained component of a Django project. It is a module that provides specific functionality, such as handling authentication, managing blog posts, or serving an API. An app should represent a single, specific functionality or purpose within the overall website.

django-admin startproject django-multitenant-saas-ecommerce-kubernetes

Step 6: Create a new test app:

within the django project using the following command:

python manage.py startapp testapp

Adding a new app into the project

python manage.py startapp home apps/home

Step 7 : Execute ORM Data Migrations:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Step 8: Launch the django development server

python manage.py runserver

Step 9: create admin user

python manage.py createsuperuser

start using shell

bash ./server-entrypoint.sh


bash ./run.sh

API Docs


Data Browser image


Alt text


python manage.py show_urls python manage.py graph_models finances -a -o finances_models.png


Django ledger

pip install pipenv (globally)

To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell. Alternatively, run a command inside the virtualenv with pipenv run.

pipenv install django-ledger[graphql,pdf]
python manage.py test django_ledger

Multi tenant Settings

pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations finances
python manage.py makemigrations app
python manage.py migrate finances
python manage.py migrate app

tenant = Client(schema_name="test", name="test Company")

domain = Domain(domain="btest.localhost", tenant=tenant, is_primary=True)

Thank you for Reading !! 🙌🏻, see you in the next article.🤘

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