
Etcd-Backup is a simple and efficient golang library that provides backup and restore utilities for ETCD

Primary LanguageGo

Repository moved to FanTV repository


etcd-backup is a simple, efficient and lightweight Command line utility to backup and restore etcd keys.


etcd-backup has only one dependency: go-etcd the golang offical library for ETCD


Installation composed of 3 steps:

  • Install go offical documentation
  • Download the project git clone git@github.com:ThomasAlxDmy/etcd-backup.git
  • Download the dependency go get github.com/coreos/go-etcd/etcd
  • Build the binary cd etcd-backup and then go install



$ etcd-dump dump

This is the easiest way to dump the whole etcd keys. Results will be stored in a json file etcd-dump.json file in the directory where you executed the command.

The default Backup strategy for dumping is dump all keys and conserve the order : keys:["/"], recursive:true, sorted:true The backup strategy can be overwritten in the etcd-backup configuration file. See fixtures/backup-configuration.json

Command line options and default values

-config Mandatory etcd-backup configuration file location, default value: "backup-configuration.json". See Configuration section for more information.
-concurent-request Number of concurent resquest that will be executed during the restore(restore mode only), default value is 10.
-retries Number of retires that will be executed if the requests fail, default value is 5.
-etcd-config Mandatory etcd configuration file location, default value: "etcd-configuration.json". See fixtures folder for an example.
-dump Location of the dump file data will be store in (in case of a dump) or load from (in case of a restore), default value: "etcd-dump.json".

$ etcd-dump -config=myBackupConfig.json -retries=2 -etcd-config=myClusterConfig.json -dump=result.json dump

The dump.keys supports differents configurations:

{ "key": "/", "recursive": true }

Recursively dump all the keys inside /.

{ "key": "/myKey" }

Dump only the key /myKey.

Dump File structure

Dumped keys are stored in an array of keys, the key path is the absolute path. By design non-empty directories are not saved in the dump file, and empty directories does not contain the value key:

[{ "key": "/myKey", "value": "value1" },{ "key": "/dir/myKey/object", "value": "test" }, {"key": "/dir/mydir"}]



$ etcd-dump restore

Restore the keys from the etcd-dump.json file.

Command line options and default values

-config Mandatory etcd-backup configuration file location, default value: "backup-configuration.json". See Configuration section for more information.
-concurent-request Number of concurent resquest that will be executed during the restore(restore mode only), default value is 10.
-retries Number of retires that will be executed if the requests fail, default value is 5.
-etcd-config Mandatory etcd configuration file location, default value: "etcd-configuration.json". See fixtures folder for an example.
-dump Location of the dump file data will be store in (in case of a dump) or load from (in case of a restore), default value: "etcd-dump.json".

$ etcd-dump -config=myBackupConfig.json -retries=2 -etcd-config=myClusterConfig.json -dump=dataset.json -concurent-request=100 restore