Since 20/10/16 this tool is integrated into the Ceph official tree and thus not supported on this repo anymore please use https://github.com/ceph/ceph/tree/master/src/tools/ceph-lazy
ceph-lazy - Complex Ceph query tool
Ceph-lazy - Be efficient, be lazy !
Ceph CLI is very complete, it can do pretty much everything. However there are certain tasks that require two or more steps with nasty grep/sed which take time and you usually forget to write them down for the next time.
For example, get the RBD real image size, list all primary PG from a particular OSD or even more complex queries like get all OSDs or nodes that hosts a particular RBD image. Ceph-lazy does that for you so you don't loose time on piped commands and quickly get the result that you want.
Ceph-lazy DOES NOT perform any write operation on your cluster, ONLY READS.
Ceph-lazy is currently splitted into five categories: Host - PGs - RBD - OSD and Objects; each category offers a number of commands. List of commands can be reviewed by using the -h option or invoking ceph-lazy without any argument. Categories mainly refers to the type of input, for example host category will get info at a host level whereas RBD will report RBD information; pretty obvious !
The current set of commands is as follow :
host-get-osd hostname List all OSD IDs attached to a particular node.
host-get-nodes List all storage nodes.
host-osd-usage hostname Show total OSD space usage of a particular node (-d for details).
host-all-usage Show total OSD space usage of each nodes (-d for details)
Placement groups
pg-get-host pgid Find PG storage hosts (first is primary)
pg-most-write Find most written PG (nb operations)
pg-less-write Find less written PG (nb operations)
pg-most-write-kb Find most written PG (data written)
pg-less-write-kb Find less written PG (data written)
pg-most-read Find most read PG (nb operations)
pg-less-read Find less read PG (nb operations)
pg-most-read-kb Find most read PG (data read)
pg-less-read-kb Find less read PG (data read)
pg-empty Find empty PGs (no stored object)
rbd-prefix pool_name image_name Return RBD image prefix
rbd-count pool_name image_name Count number of objects in a RBD image
rbd-host pool_name image_name Find RBD primary storage hosts
rbd-osd pool_name image_name Find RBD primary OSDs
rbd-size pool_name image_name Print RBD image real size
rbd-all-size pool_name Print all RBD images size (Top first)
osd-most-used Show the most used OSD (capacity)
osd-less-used Show the less used OSD (capacity)
osd-get-ppg osd_id Show all primaries PGS hosted on a OSD
osd-get-pg osd_id Show all PGS hosted on a OSD
object-get-host pool_name object_id Find object storage hosts (first is primary)
You obviously need the Ceph cli toolset binaries (ceph, rados, rbd, osdmaptool) as well as the jq (>=1.5) utility which is used to parse json output. JSON parsing is much more efficient and easy to code than sed/grep/awk. The "bc" command is required for the "host-osd-usage" and "host-all-usage"commands.
You also need the proper cephx permissions on both MONs and OSDs/pool you will query.
Usage is pretty straightforward just ensure you have all dependencies installed, clone the git repo
git clone https://github.com/gcharot/ceph-lazy.git
Copy the ceph-lazy to a PATH directory and ensure the proper permissions are set.
cp ceph-lazy/ceph-lazy /usr/local/sbin/
chown root:root /usr/local/sbin/ceph-lazy
chmod u+x /usr/local/sbin/ceph-lazy
If you want to enable bash completion you can copy the completion config file.
cp ceph-lazy/bash_completion.d/ceph-lazy /etc/bash_completion.d/
Simply execute ceph-lazy with no parameter or use the -h option to get the list of options and commands. Using -d as first parameter enable verbose mode (printed on stderr). General syntax usage is :
Usage : ceph-lazy [-d | -h] [command] [parameters]
- Add more error controls
- Find new command ideas
- Optimise query performances when possible