#Fractol - a 42_school's project

A graphical application for drawing fractals

##Install & launch

git clone https://github.com/ThomasBreart/Fractol.git ~/Fractol
cd ~/Fractol && make && ./fractol --OpenCL Mandelbrot


usage: ./fractol [--OpenCL] Mandelbrot | Julia | Burning\_ship | Julia\_ship | Multibrot | Manowar | Barnsleyj | Spider

##Main features

  • 8 types of fractals available
  • Zoom and unzoom
  • Keyboard controls
  • Edit the shape of the fractal with the position of the mouse
  • Navigate between the fractals
  • Design with OpenCL

Keyboard shortcuts

Description  Key(s) 
Close the program (aka quit/exit)  esc 
Change the display gradient (aka change color)  7  or  8 
Enable or disable the mouse controls  space 
Increase the number of iterations  + 
Decrease the numbre of iterations  - 
Change fractal type  page up  or  page down 
Show the hud / menu  F16 

note: keys are part of the numpad

Mouse controls

Description  Control(s) 
Zoom and center the fractal with the cursor position  left button 
Unzoom and center the fractal with the cursor position  right button 
Zoom  scroll up 
Unzoom  scroll down 
