- gdal2tiles python module
- gdal_translate python module
- gdalinfo python module
- docker
- scala
- sbt
First, run the ElasticSearch container using the following command line :
$ docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.7.1
Next, you can build the project, using the following command at the root of the project :
$ sbt compile
Once it's built, run the project using :
$ sbt run
In this section will be described the different services and endpoints.
The hike service will have 2 functions. The first one will return the list of ids of hikes and the second one will return the description for a selected hike.
GET /hike/
will return :
200 OK
GET /hike/:id
will return
200 OK
"Cette pointe est une valeur sure pour une rando-vol dans cette belle vallée de Sixt. Un des rares sommet
décollable en parapente à cause de la réserve naturelle.\nAttéro dans les grands champs fauchés vers
l’école de Sixt.\nItinéraire du topo depuis Le Crot.\nBon sentier, sec."
The annotate service will return a list of URI for each word it finds on dbpedia in a given text, using semantics.
POST /annotate/
with body :
"text": "Pau is a city in France."
will return :
200 OK
"uris": [
Pinpoint service will return a list of latitude and longitude. Each couple of latitude and longitude will be given by a list of Uri from fr.dbpedia. If uri don't reference a place or if the place don't have latitude and longitude set. It will return nothing. If none of uris have latitude and longitude, it will return a empty list.
POST /pinpoint/ with body :
"uris": [
will return :
200 OK
"lat": 43.301700592041016,
"lon": -0.3686000108718872
"lat": 48.86666488647461,
"lon": 2.3264999389648438
"lat": 43.546112060546875,
"lon": -1.1947221755981445
"lat": 40.43333435058594,
"lon": -3.700000047683716
"lat": 43.288299560546875,
"lon": -0.386944442987442
The box service will return a bounding box containing all points given in a list. The bounding box is represented by two points (one at south west and one at north east) that delimit the lower left corner and upper right corner.
POST /box/
with body :
"lat": 43.260076,
"lon": -0.418779
"lat": 43.321055,
"lon": -0.313064
"lat": 43.279068,
"lon": -0.305776
will return :
200 OK
"neCoordinates": {
"lat": 43.3210563659668,
"lon": -0.3057760000228882
"swCoordinates": {
"lat": 43.260074615478516,
"lon": -0.4187789857387543
The sentinel service will return a list of sentinel images information given a bounding box that delimits the perimeter of the sentinel images and a date interval. The information about the images contains the download url, the preview url, the cloud percentage if available, and the date of the shot.
POST /sentinel/
with body :
"neCoordinates": {
"lat": 51.513824462890625,
"lon": 7.471989631652832
"swCoordinates": {
"lat": 41.64936828613281,
"lon": -0.8910340070724487
"startDate": "2016-01-01",
"completionDate": "2016-01-03"
will return :
200 OK
"cloud": 0.5714285969734192,
"date": "2016-01-02",
"download": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/00e550d9-87a6-5c65-8244-09aa710e0b96/download",
"preview": "https://peps.cnes.fr/quicklook/2016/01/02/S2A/S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160107T001924_R049_V20160102T075903_20160102T075903_quicklook.jpg"
"cloud": 4.538461685180664,
"date": "2016-01-02",
"download": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/5dfaec17-e7df-5e02-8997-b122390203af/download",
"preview": "https://peps.cnes.fr/quicklook/2016/01/02/S2A/S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160107T003231_R049_V20160102T075903_20160102T075903_quicklook.jpg"
"cloud": 3.857142925262451,
"date": "2016-01-02",
"download": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/129b244e-93a0-587f-8c6b-c88617d01e9a/download",
"preview": "https://peps.cnes.fr/quicklook/2016/01/02/S2A/S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160102T145207_R049_V20160102T074835_20160102T074835_quicklook.jpg"
"cloud": 5.9285712242126465,
"date": "2016-01-02",
"download": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/1c8bd18c-e8c8-5d7b-aac5-8773f4850b55/download",
"preview": "https://peps.cnes.fr/quicklook/2016/01/02/S2A/S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160102T145948_R049_V20160102T074835_20160102T074835_quicklook.jpg"
The tile service will take a list of download urls (that can be fetched from the sentinel service for instance) and will tile each downloaded image. The tiles will then be uploaded to a HDFS.
POST /tile/
with body :
will return :
202 Accepted
"location": "queue/c42c19fd-eb19-4371-b57f-8edf53a40bba"
Since this service is comprised of long running jobs, the server will automaticaly send back a 202 Accepted response to the client with a location body.
You can then use the location to get information on the running jobs :
GET /queue/:id
will return :
200 OK
"jobs": [
"status": "DOWNLOADING",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/39b4d215-e74f-533f-8781-9bf599438c8a/download",
"uuid": "39b4d215-e74f-533f-8781-9bf599438c8a"
"status": "PENDING",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/d4478720-77e5-58ad-81be-72cf38339e55/download",
"uuid": "d4478720-77e5-58ad-81be-72cf38339e55"
"status": "PENDING",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/83156d1b-5618-505e-a039-80efee85eb49/download",
"uuid": "83156d1b-5618-505e-a039-80efee85eb49"
"progress": "0/3",
"uuid": "c42c19fd-eb19-4371-b57f-8edf53a40bba"
After a while, you'll be able to know when all jobs have been completed :
200 OK
"jobs": [
"status": "COMPLETE",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/39b4d215-e74f-533f-8781-9bf599438c8a/download",
"uuid": "39b4d215-e74f-533f-8781-9bf599438c8a"
"status": "COMPLETE",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/d4478720-77e5-58ad-81be-72cf38339e55/download",
"uuid": "d4478720-77e5-58ad-81be-72cf38339e55"
"status": "COMPLETE",
"url": "https://peps.cnes.fr/resto/collections/S2/83156d1b-5618-505e-a039-80efee85eb49/download",
"uuid": "83156d1b-5618-505e-a039-80efee85eb49"
"progress": "3/3",
"uuid": "c42c19fd-eb19-4371-b57f-8edf53a40bba"
The status can be the following :
Build mapping for Elastic search POST /elastic/mapping/
Return message
Request sended
POST /elastic/
with body :
"coord" : {
"lat" :5.0,
"lon" :5.0
"tuiles" : {
"download" : "path to download tuile",
"name" : "name of the tuile",
"metadata" : "data related to the tuile"
"image" : {
"download" : "path to download",
"preview" : "preview of the image",
"cloud" : 1.0,
"date" : "1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00"
"metadata" : "information that give use the tuile"
200 OK
To get a tuile related to a bounding box:
GET /elastic/
with body :
"neCoordinates": {
"lat": 23.3210563659668,
"lon": -10.3057760000228882
"swCoordinates": {
"lat": 1.260074615478516,
"lon": -0.4187789857387543
You will be able to get the response:
"download":"path to download data",
"metadata":"information about the tuile",
"name":"name of the tuile"
"download":"path to download",
"preview":"preview of the image"
"metadata":"information that give use the tuile"
For now the job queue is only persisted at server level. Should the server restart and the queue is gone, which is not desired. Some simple persistence layer such as Redis should be implemented.
For now the project is deployed manually but we should implement containers to host the different modules.