react-redux-boilerplate is a fully configured boilerplate ready to scale.
This include one mobile application build with react-native and ready to be launched on ios and android.
This also include a web application build with react.
Both applications used a common part that manage the data manipulation and communicate over an api.
Here is also an example of an API.
cd common
npm i
npm run build
The web-app require the API to be launched and the common part to be build.
cd web-app
npm i
npm start
Build the project. The mobile app require the API to be launched and the common part to be build.
cd mobile-apps
npm i
On a mac environment download the last XCode version. An emulator is included in the package.
npm run ios
Download android studio. Find android SDK location.
${ANDROID_SDK_LOCATION}/emulator/emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_26
npm run android