
this is a project used for making jpa dynamic query simpler

Primary LanguageJava


What is it?

this project is used for making it easy to use specification of spring data jpa, you can build specification use fluent api

How to install?

build with gradle

compile 'io.github.ThomasChant:jpa-plus-core:${latestVersion}'

build with maven


Fluent api

Api Remark
eq(field, val) query data with field equal to val
notEq(field, val) query data with field not equal to val
gt(field, val) query data with field greater than val
ge(field, val) query data with field greater than or equal to val
lt(field, val) query data with field less than val
le(field, val) query data with field less than or equal to val
allLike(field, val) query data with field contain val
leftLike(field, val) query data with field end with val
rightLike(field, val) query data with field start with val
isNull(field) query data with field is null
isNotNull(field,) query data with field is not null
in(field, collection) query data with field in collection
notIn(field, collection) query data with field not in collection
in(field, array) query data with field in array
notIn(field, array) query data with field not in array
between(field, lower, upper) query data with field between lower and upper
notBetween(field, lower, upper) query data with field not between lower and upper


Domain entity

public class User {
    @GeneratedValue(generator = "strategy",strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private String username;
    private String realname;


public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User,Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {

Build Specification

Use common fluent api

Specification<User> spec = Conditions.use(User.class)
                .eq("id", 2)
                .and(i->i.eq("username", "lisi"))
                .eq("realname", "李四")

Use lambda api

Specification<User> spec = Conditions.lambdaUse(User.class)
                .eq(User::getId, 2L)
                .and(i->i.eq(User::getUsername, "lisi"))
                .eq(User::getRealname, "李四")

Use specification

  List<User> all = userRepository.findAll(spec);