
Keep track of the price of gold in (almost) real-time while monitoring your current gold holdings. 📈 💰

Primary LanguageGo


Keep track of the price of gold in (almost real-time) while monitoring your current gold holdings. 📈 💰

About this Repository
🌐 Project of the Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go course.
⭐ A "Gold Price Monitor" application with SQL database.
🔍 Making API Requests, Refreshing the UI, database interactions,...

Start the application

To start the application, ensure you have both Fyne and Go installed on your system. You can refer to the official documentation for installation instructions:

If you are using asdf, you can also install Go via the .tool-versions file. More information on this can be found here.
Once Go and Fyne are installed, follow these steps to start the application:

git clone https://github.com/ThomasCode92/goldwatcher
cd goldwatcher                # navigate into project folder
touch sqlite.db               # create SQLite DB file
DB_PATH=./sqlite.db go run .  # start the application

To run the unit tests, use the command go test -v ..

Data Resources

The application retrieves gold price information through some API requests to goldprice.org.
The price data, in JSON format, is accessed via an API endpoint while the chart is available for download as a .png file.