Phone Input

This plugin creates an input group preceded by a dropdown of all countries.



Download and include the script at the end of the body tag.

<!--suppress HtmlUnknownTarget -->
<script src="path/to/jquery.bsPhone.min.js" type="text/javascript">


via command

composer require webcito/bs-phone-input:dev-main

via composer.json

  "require": {
    "webcito/bs-phone-input": "dev-main"


All inputs with the attribute [data-bs-toggle="phone"] are initialized automatically.

<input type="tel" value="+49123456789" data-bs-toggle="phone" id="example">

<!-- load jQuery and Bootstrap before -->
<script src="dist/jquery.bsPhone.min.js" type="text/javascript">


property data-attribute type default desc
default [data-default] string de The ISO code of the country to be preselected
limitedCountries [data-limited-countries] array [] If only certain countries should appear in the drop-down list, the country codes could be entered here
inputGroupClasses [data-input-group-classes] string mb-3 The CSS classes are set to the parent element (.input-group)
dropDownClasses [data-drop-down-classes] string btn btn-outline-secondary The CSS classes are set to the DropDown button
dropDownMaxHeight [data-drop-down-max-height] string 50vh CSS property for the height of the scrollable area in the DropDown menu
inputClasses [data-input-classes] string border-secondary rounded-end Additional CSS classes for the input field
formatValue function The formatting for the result in the original input field. 2 parameters are provided: (phoneCode, value) => {}
formatView function The formatting for the result in the displayed input field. 2 parameters are provided: (phoneCode, value) => {}


Methods are called as follows

$('input').bsPhone('method', param);
method example description
'val' $('#example').bsPhone('val', '+49123456789'); Sets the value of the input
'val' $('#example').bsPhone('val'); or $('#example').val(); Get the value of the input