
Very simple translation class in PHP & MySQL

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The PHP class makes it easier for you to translate your page using MySQL. The class is very small but very effective.The PHP class makes it easier for you to translate your page using MySQL. The class is very small but very effective.


  • php 8.0+
  • php pdo & mysql extension
  • MySQL or MariaDB


  1. Create required database table translation
create table translation
    `key`   varchar(255)     primary key,
    `de`      text           not null, -- Set the default language to not null
    `en`      text           null -- Add additional required language codes and set them to null 
  1. Include the Translate.php class into your script. (It is located in the dist/ folder)
require_once "Translate.php";
  1. Setup mysql connection
  • If you have already created a pdo object in the script, tell it to the Translate.php class
  • Otherwise, take a look at the getPDO function in the Translate.php class and build your PDO object there.
private static function getPDO(): ?PDO
    if (self::$pdo !== null) {
      return self::$pdo;

    $dns = [
        self::DB_TYPE . ":dbname=" . self::DB_DATABASE,
        "host=" . self::DB_HOST,
        "port=" . self::DB_DATABASE_PORT,
        "charset=" . self::DB_CHARSET

    try {
        // connect
        $pdo = new PDO(
            dsn: implode(";", $dns),
            username: self::DB_USER,
            password: self::DB_USER_PASSWORD,
            options: [
                PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES " . self::DB_CHARSET,
                PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true,
                PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false,
                PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            message: $e->getMessage(),
            code: $e->getCode()

    return $pdo;


public static functions params desc
setLanguage $lang (string) Sets the language to be fetched from the database. If the language column is null, the string from the default language is set.
setPrefix $prefix (?string) If a prefix is set, only datasets that start with the prefix are loaded.
setPDO $pdo (?PDO) If you already use a PDO object for your script, you can pass it directly to the class. This way you avoid that a new instance is built.
prepare $pdo (?PDO),
$lang (string),
$prefix (?string)
The function replaces the call to setPDO, setLanguage and setPrefix
of $key (string),
...params (mixed)
The function fills the library if needed and returns the translation of the passed key.
The first parameter is the name of the key to be translated. If the value of the key contains parameters, they are passed as parameters when the function is called.


with Params

We insert a record into the translation table.

INSERT INTO `translation (`key`, `de`, `en`) VALUES ('sayHello', 'Hallo %s %s, schön dich zu treffen!', 'Hello %s %s, nice to meet you!');
key de en
sayHello Hallo %s %s, schön dich zu treffen! Hello %s %s, nice to meet you!

Call the function Translate::of(key, ...params)

// Note, German is the default language in my example
echo Translate::of('sayHello', 'Max', 'Mustermann'); // Hallo Max Mustermann, schön dich zu treffen!
// Let's change the language to English
echo Translate::of('sayHello', 'John', 'Doe'); // Hello John Doe, nice to meet you!

As can be seen in the example above, conversion statement can be defined in the text.
Conversion statement start with the % character.
More information about this on www.php.net.

with Prefix

The Translate.php class always loads all records from the translation table. If you want to load only certain records, it is recommended to set a prefix before the translation key.
The prefix is good for loading e.g. only translations for one page (e.g. page.clients -> page.clients.headline). One example of this:
We insert a record with prefix into the translation table.

INSERT INTO `translation (`key`, `de`, `en`) VALUES ('signIn.headline', 'Bitte melden Sie sich an.', 'Please sign up.');
key de en
sayHello Hallo %s %s, schön dich zu treffen! Hello %s %s, nice to meet you!
signIn.headline Bitte melden Sie sich an. Please sign up.

Call the function Translate::setPrefix(prefix)

echo Translate::of('headline'); // Please sign up.

Feel free to share any changes, improvements or bugs.