ECE Senior Thesis Fall 2022 - Thomas Dhome-Casanova

Directory layout

  • helper_funcs
    • all_funcs_to_excel - read all of the nvdlahw repo and extract all documentation possible on parameters for each register:
      • all_param_shifts_for_csb.json - used by converters for converting compiler IR to MMIO sequence for the simulators
      • all_regs.xlsx - all registers without parameter annotations
      • all_regs_with_params.xlsx - all registers with automated parameter annotations
      • all_regs_with_params_2.xlsx - all registers with automated and manual parameter annotations for missed registers
    • resnet_20 - a series of ResNet-20 models that could not be succesfully converted to a format accepted by Glenside
    • sdp_funcs_to_json - all_funcs_to_excel = similar to above but only for sdp
  • hlscnn_conv2d_example - an example from a previous work on offloading conv2d operators to the HLS-CNN accelerator
  • sdp_driver_python_translation - a translation of NVIDIA's sdp driver from C to Python. Used for interim report. None of this code ended up being used for the final D2A integration as a different approach was needed for integrating all sub-units into D2A.
  • test_thesis - 2 files to test the D2A integration
    • - run TVM's testing ResNet-18 model on the NVDLA using direct matching
    • - run unit tests on all simulatable sub-units of the NVDLA

Extending this work

As simulators become available for the CDP, PDP and RUBIK unit tests can be added to test_thesis/

It will be necessary to uncomment the necessary direct matches in

Next, the file can be used to validate that offloading has been done correctly.