Series of operation on an image with the OpenCV library. Assignment of the Computer Vision Class at IIT Chicago.
Use OpenCV "cv2" and Python 2.7
The image should be taken from computer file if a path is specified. If not, the image should be taken from the camera.
Whenever a key is entered, the image should be updated with the following operations :
- i : reload original image
- w : save the current modified image
- g : convert to grayscale with OpenCv
- G : convert to grayscale with a personnal implementation
- c : cycle through color channels
- s : convert to grayscale and smooth with openCV
- S : convert to grayscale and smooth with a personnal implementation
- d : downsample the image by 2
- D : downsample the image by 2 and smooth it
- x : convert to grayscale and apply x derivative filter
- y : convert to grayscale and apply y derivative filter
- m : convert to grayscale and show magnitude
- p : convert to greyscale and plot gradient vectors
- r : convert to greyscale an
- ESC : quit the program
! the path to display the help file is relative and set to "../data/help_menu.png". Please do run the code in the provided folder architecture or do not use the help function.