
Tips and tricks for contributing to project "joomla-german"

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Tips and tricks for contributing to project "joomla-german"

following text are intended for use in a wiki and will be on different pages




Setting up fork and upstreams

Fork the repository

[WIP] fork image from git hub ...

short summary of following

see https://help.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/fork-a-repo

Setup the upstream

fetch / create the mirror branches

Master will be taken by fork action

Create local mirror branch

git checkout -b upstream/

git checkout -b 4.0-dev upstream/4.0-dev

see https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork

Preparing for changes

Syncing the branches

example update fork - master

git fetch upstream

git checkout master git merge upstream/master

git push

example update fork - 4.0-dev

git fetch upstream

git checkout 4.0-dev git merge upstream/4.0-dev git push

con tributing üsteps

selecting an issue

? [WIP] in front ? ? [3.9] ? nur in 3.9

? [4.0]

Creating a branch for issue

branch in local directory

git fetch upstream

  1. checkout starting branch

Wann master, wann ... dev... branch ? 3.x dev still used

git branch git checkout

oder in einem

git checkout -b

branch in worktree
remove accidental created worktree

delete worktree folder

git worktree prune

pull requests

  • naming


remove branch after pull request is accepted

In github source repository select branches your branches / active branches

Use the wast basked symbol behind the pull branch to delete this branch you may have to delete it on the PC too

? pull deletes reference ? Delete folder if on worktree

Tip and Tricks


Wann wird welches Wort verwendet