
Syntax for text files with TODO blocks

TODO file syntax

Sublime Text 3 syntax definition and color scheme for plain text files containing lists of tasks that need to be done (i.e. ToDos) and pro/con lists. The Sublime Text color scheme is based on FreshCut by Dayle Rees.

Sublime Text 3 screenshot


Start a block using NAME:, optionally followed by a title, as its first line. Finally, you can end the block using :NAME as the last line.

Within the block you can add items that start with a character (see below for list) followed by a whitespace.

TODO Block

  • !: Task is open and important
  • -: Task is open
  • ?: Task is uncertain, optional or a suggestion
  • o: Task is in progress
  • /: Task is blocked and cannot be worked on right now
  • x: Task is done
  • #: Task cannot be worked on (i.e. it's already done, handled by someone else or impossible to get done)

COMP Block

  • +: Argument is positive
  • o: Argument is neutral
  • -: Argument is negative


Use prebuilt files

  • Sublime Text
    • Copy all files in sublime directory into Sublime Text's Packages/User directory.
    • Apply the syntax for specific files via Sublime's menu. Note that it will be applied automatically to any files with the .todo file extension.

Build it yourself

  1. Install syntax tools
  2. Create and deploy files
    • Sublime Text: <path-to-syntax-tools>/build todo src/sublime