
Logic and language course group project

Primary LanguageProlog

Logic and Language


  • Use python 3.10+
  • Install the requirements.txt using pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run file FOL_solver.py and wait until the file is done.
    1.1. This file runs the CCG parses on all the sick-nl sentences and then solves only for the Trial cases.
    1.2. This is currently in windows mode, to change to linux mode open the file and change the line: mode="windows" to mode="linux".
    1.3. To change from the trial dataset to the test dataset, change the line if dataset != "TRIAL": to if dataset != "TEST":, same applied for TRAIN.
  2. check the folder output\ for all the results.
    2.1. test_all_read.png contains all the trial code cases where errors are labeled as neutral.
    2.2. test_parse_read.png contains all the trial code where errors are omitted.
    2.3 solve.py see below.


The first line always includes the problem number and the true label from the sick-dataset. The next three lines contain information about the FOL strings.
H is the hypothesis.
P is the premise.
S is the solution.

If either the Hypothesis or Premise is an error, the solution is also automatically an error.
If the H or P contains a Lambda, the prover9 sread_term error is provided.
If a FOL string is incorrectly parsed, the prover9 sread_term error is provided.

If the parsing is succesful S will be in the form of one of three cases;
s:True | False -> Entailment
s:False | True -> Contradiction
s:False | False -> Neutral