MSNoise-Tomo is a plugin to the MSNoise framework, allowing to branch from the REF stack to compute FTAN, dispersion curves and 2D period maps.
MSNoise-Tomo is developed by Thomas Lecocq (Royal Observatory of Belgium, ROB) based on original codes from A. Mordret and M. Landès (IPGP, 2013).
- Mordret, A., Landès, M., Shapiro, N.M., Singh, S.C., Roux, P., Barkved, O.I., 2013. Near-surface study at the Valhall oil field from ambient noise surface wave tomography. Geophys. J. Int. 193, 1627–1643.
- Barmin, M.P., Ritzwoller, M.H., Levshin, A.L., 2001. A Fast and Reliable Method for Surface Wave Tomography. Pure and Applied Geophysics 158, 1351–1375.
The documentation is available at
Create a new environment using conda:
- conda create -n tomo -c conda-forge python=3.7 obspy=1.1.1 msnoise shapely pyproj
- conda activate tomo
Then, the code can be installed from scratch using this repository, or using precompiled python wheels:
- Windows:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
Remember, always consider the current GitHub master as not stable!
If you plan to use MSNoise-TOMO for commercial purposes, please contact Thomas Lecocq directly.