
This is a Shooting Range placed in Fort Zancudo for alt:V

MIT LicenseMIT

Open Source Map - Fort Zancudo Shooting-Range - alt:V

This is a Shootin-Range placed in Fort Zancudo for alt:V, this map was made during GT-MP times and got now ported to alt:V.

Installing Dependencies / Installation

After simply add the name of this resource to your server.cfg resource section.


Then simply clone this repository into your main server resources folder.

cd resources
git clone https://github.com/ThomasMarangoni/altv-os-map-FortZancudoShootingRange


You can find an Imgur Album with multiple pictures here: https://imgur.com/gallery/TqlrbLN

The main part of the Shooting-Range

Vending Machines and a screen for Briefings

Target Platform for Skydiving