
the main server gets input(link ID and file size) from keyboard. Then it sends the search request to the database server through UDP. When the database server gets the request, it will search through the database(database.txt). After searching it will send back the link capacity, link length and propagation velocity to main server through UDP. If no such link ID is found, it should send proper message back. After receiving this information from database server, the main server sends the information to the calculation server through UDP. When the calculation server gets the information, it calculates the transmission delay propagation delay and total delay(ignore other delay issues). After calculation, the calculation server sends back the results to the main server. If no such link ID is found, the main server doesn’t need to send request to calculation server.

Primary LanguageC++

Name: Zhiyuan Ning USC ID:1808644153 Email:zhiyuann@usc.edu Description: I cite and look up the code from Beej's Guide. Because some of the function does not support in C langauage, I use the C++ language to program this assignment. I also cite and look up the code from: https://www.cnblogs.com/leezheng/p/8030011.html All of the functions and server works well. To seperate the database and calcserver, I initialize two sockets to transfer. The output corresponds to the .pdf demo.