General Information

This Repository is about NestJS Local Development with Docker (Hot Reloading and Debugging with Docker-compose).
The Youtube Video for this repository can be found here:

This Repository is a clone of the Project "NestJS Auth Jwt " (see more under Concept of the series).

In the folder 'postman-collection' you find a collection of postman requests that you can import into postman and execute against the api.

Start Commands for docker-compose file and information

Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
docker-compose up

  • Database can be accessed with PG-Admin via localhost:5050 and then connect your database (see youtube playlist)
  • NestJS Api can be accessed on localhost:8080/api (see youtube playlist)

Concept of the series:

With every series we clone/fork the last project, so that the code is always up to date with the according project.

List in Order with all Youtube Playlists and Repository Links:

  1. NestJS Dockerized
    Clone/Fork of: None

  2. NestJS Auth Jwt
    Clone/Fork of: 1. NestJS Dockerized

  3. NestJS Local Development with Docker-Compose (Hot Reload and Debugging) Clone/Fork of: 02. NestJS Auth Jwt Repo-Link: Youtube-Video:

You need the installed tools

  • NPM
  • Node.js
  • NestJS
  • Docker

Basic Commands for Docker

Basic Docker Commands:
List your docker images: docker images
List your running containers: docker ps
List also stopped containers: docker ps -a Kill a running container: docker kill <id of container from docker ps (first 3 letters)>, eg docker kill fea